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Castle wall/Esplanade Road Pack V1.0

Assorted medieval castle wall pieces with matching esplanade road

  1. PaulJChris

    PaulJChris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    PaulJChris submitted a new resource:

    Castle wall/Esplanade Road Pack - Assorted medieval castle wall pieces with matching esplanade road

    Read more about this resource...
  2. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Hi there Paul. Thanks for the mod. Looks amazing.

    The tag file for XXL can be a problem tough. Your patchs changes version 2.08c but for instance i am now using 2.09 (and a beta version which already includes furnitures menu in the interface.
    If Altiris updates the community mod your tags file will be lost, unless he can include it in the proper community mod.
    In XL there won't be a problem due to MrX2 file. But for XXL there isn't such an option...

    Maybe you could ask Altiris to include your tag...
    It seems he is still doing some updates to community mod and this way would avoid future problems for anyone who updates it.

    zakew, BahadirB and OmniusPrime like this.
  3. chupobumbo

    chupobumbo Executive

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Great addition to the game, PJC, thank you very very much!!!
    Plus: I'm wrong or in the second picture I saw something really REALLY interesting showing in the menu?!?
    Let me know more about that, please!!!
  4. PaulJChris

    PaulJChris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    I did consider using the 2.09 beta to base this on but not sure about forcing everyone to update to beta release for a single mod

    You can still use this with your latest beta community mod by updating the patch manually. Simply unpack your latest beta version of the community mod, locate the tags.cfg file found in data/design subfolder and open it in notepad or similar. Scroll down the list to the style section and add the custom tag "StylePJCCW01" to the list. Save the updated tags file then repack the patch file and you are good to go. It takes less than a minute and then you can have the best of both worlds. I will ask Altiris to add this tag to his next official release.
    OmniusPrime and Mr.X² like this.
  5. PaulJChris

    PaulJChris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    The icons to which you refer are a beta rail mod by Pepino which I was given the opportunity to test. The mod ran into technical problems and was never completed sadly.
  6. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Thanks Paul, i'll do that. Meanwhile i'm using mrX file in Platinum.
    Can't seem to place the pieces located under the decorations menu.
  7. Thrangar

    Thrangar Skilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Have not down loaded yet , was wondering will this have the same glitch as the old esps, in that when I attach a road or walk perpendicular to esplanade it will create a texture hole at connection?
  8. PaulJChris

    PaulJChris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    No it will not have the holes at intersections issue
  9. PaulJChris

    PaulJChris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Hmm to be honest I have not tested this mod in XL . I based the furniture files upon the Eano walls mod - you may need to install these as well to get the furnitures to show up or make sure you select trees in the decorations menu. Also sometimes the order in which you click on the selection buttons within the decorations Menu and the custom content button can effect whether they display or not.
  10. Nyako-sensei

    Nyako-sensei Unskilled Worker

    May 23, 2016
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    Great!!! But I dont have roads, have nothing in decoration menu, only some bridges and thats all. Dont you know what the problem is about?? I ve already installed community patch.
  11. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Sadly this mod doesn't work quite right for me. I can build the castle wall sections under the bridges section just fine. Unfortunately the ploppables don't build. I tried building away from roads and on roads and not one of them builds up. I used the Shift key and raised them up to max height and when I clicked to build the item disappeared although a progress bar showed up. Then when I started the clock the progress bar disappeared and nothing built. I also could build the esplanade road fine. So tempting as I had a large area to fill in and this would have made a nice plaza display.

    I too use the 2.09 version of the Community mod and that is more important to me than this mod so sadly I have to pass on it. I hope others don't have my problem in building the ploppables.
    BahadirB likes this.
  12. PaulJChris

    PaulJChris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Fair enough. I am away from my home PC for several days so cannot post an update but it is a 1 minute job to post a tags update to the Community Mod V2.09 , say V2.09a. I will update the entry when I get home , unless another kind soul on here wants to do it for me and post a link in this discussion thread. I am not sure why the plopabbles don't show for you , it was a bit of an experiment, the plopables significantly exceed the recommended specs for furniture pieces , perhaps that is the issue but I can assure you they work fine on my PC with graphics options maxed out, perhaps this will define whether the furnitures will show or not but I am only guessing here. Sorry.
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  13. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    When i say i can't place the pieces the behaviour is exactly like omnius prime described. I tought it was a XL related issue but seems to happen in XXL as well.
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  14. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    That's really nice of you to update the Community Mod 2.09 to include your new tags info. Definitely a job beyond my pay grade. It is strange the ploppables don't show up after clicking on them to build. I do have an awesome PC with 4K graphics, hadn't paid too much attention to my settings in a long while. Obviously luis drogo is having a similar problem in XL. Are you running 4K graphics?
  15. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I checked my game video settings and I'm using a customized setup for 3840x2160 at 24 Hz resolution. I have anti-aliasing off but every other graphics feature on. Perhaps it's the 4K resolution.
  16. PaulJChris

    PaulJChris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    OK - I have updated the entry with a link to the Community Mod V2.09a which at least will enable you to use the esplanade road and dragable walls. XXL_Altiris_CommunityPatch_v2.09a.patch

    I have unfortunately not been able to reproduce your issue with the disappearing furniture pieces. All I can suggest is that you check the advanced options within the graphic option menu and make sure that Furniture draw distance is set to 100% if it is not already.
    OmniusPrime likes this.
  17. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I gave it another try but found the furniture pieces just don't show up once I click to build them. I did check my furniture viewing setting and it was 100%. I see the pieces fine when I use the Shift key, see them go up and down. I don't see any tabs as you mention in your description. I could build the walls but they left small gaps. When I placed some standard XXL plaza I found it angled up the walls from the street to the top of the wall and then straight across, like it terraformed the area when it was non-terraforming. So I decided to move on without the castle walls.

    However I do love your Flood Lit Gold Driving Range, showing it off it in my current video:

  18. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    @OmniusPrime, I do enconter the same problem, the furniture pieces are not showing when I click to place them, and I do have the most recent official CM version.

    But, Omnius, regarding your problem with the plazas: well, they are still based on roads after all, so what do expect? And, as you can see in my CJ, one can work with such road alike walls (PJC's old medieval walls are based on roads, too) ;)
  19. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Thanks for the info about encountering the same problem with the furniture. What's really sad is you just can't give a helpful answer without being a total sarcastic jerk, so when I complain about your boorish behavior what do you expect? A shame you know everything about Cities XXL but nothing about manners. I wasn't aware that the walls would act like roads and raise terrain levels. I was trying to run the walls close to roads, unlike in your CJ. I encountered other problems with trying to build close to roads, had to delete portions of roads to make wall connections where they actually would connect nicely. I do know I could have used one of the terraforming plazas to avoid the climbing wall problem but felt the mod had too many problems and wasn't really going to work for what I had planned.
  20. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I wanted to follow up on my test of your caste walls mod. I'm not sure why kipate and I can't see the furniture, we have something in common that you don't. I'm wondering if it's 4K monitor resolution or perhaps a mod like Monty's shader fix mod for crash errors with old XL mods.

    I did like how the wall section for the gate works, love how it stretches to any length. I really liked the two sections of wall with tower ends. I liked how I could get the non-tower end to fit perfectly with a tower end from the gate section. The wall section without tower ends wasn't as good because I could never start the section flush against a wall or place the other end to fit seamlessly like I did the other two wall sections with tower ends. That's a really important section to be non-collision so we can use it to connect tower ends seamlessly on both ends.

    As it turned out I was wrong to think I wanted walls around my big Statuamania Park plaza area. It turned out better having a good sight line all along the park for doing video of it. I hope you can figure out why some can't see the furniture and can fix it so everyone does. Plus if you can get the one wall section to connect better then this mod will be truly awesome. I would know better how to use it for the future.

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