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CXL 2012 Crash

Discussion in 'Tech Support' started by Masterpiece, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. Masterpiece

    Masterpiece Vagabond

    Sep 10, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hi. These are the last log lines after which my game crashed. Is somebody able to explain me what's the problem? Thanks

    [14:42:51] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [14:42:51] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [14:42:51] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [14:42:55] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error No callbacks for PackDeco
    [14:42:58] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error Place :data/design/buildings/blueprint/ka_noc_paristriumpharch.class
    [14:43:39] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [14:43:39] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [14:43:39] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [14:43:39] LUA csScriptManager.cpp ( 522) Error LayerScript:ClearAll() called
    [14:44:01] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file Data/Gfx/Animation/a_fa_gen_lie04[1-lietransat03].motion
    [14:44:01] CORE mcFile.cpp ( 198) Error can't open file Data/Gfx/Animation/a_fa_gen_lie04[1-lietransat03].motion
    [14:44:02] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:44:02] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:44:02] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:44:23] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:44:23] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:44:23] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:45:08] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:45:08] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:45:56] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:45:56] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
    [14:45:56] GRAPH3D EffectFactory.cpp ( 323) Error Fx file <Data/Shader/#.fx> not found. Switching to default.
  2. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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  3. Masterpiece

    Masterpiece Vagabond

    Sep 10, 2014
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    I already have the shader pack and I clean the shadercache folder every time before running the game. However it still causes that error which seems related to a graphical issue. Maybe a missing file? But which one?
  4. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    I just remembered how I got rid of that error. I copied the #default.fx file (You have to have Cities XL unpacked to get it), re-named it #.fx, created a folder called shader in the data folder and put it in there. I have not had that error since.
    I don't know if the file #.fx is suppose to exist and wonder if its a mistake somewhere in the code of the game.
    Mr.X² and Nogerivan like this.
  5. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    do a patch and release it ;)
  6. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    I was unsure if there were going to be problems after I created the file so I did not say anything about it. I did it a few months ago so now and I have not had any issues with the game so could be worth making a patch. I'll put up a disclaimer that I wont be held responsible for any exploding PC's :LOL:
  7. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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  8. Altiris

    Altiris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    That file is not supposed to exist, this will be a band aid fix, it's up to the modder to make sure the material and shader type are correct before exporting the model, pretty sure it will default to Default shader anyway when this error appears. depends on what mod is causing this error, but you may be better off copying Building shader and renaming it to #.fx, most of the time this will be the correct shader and will enable proper LOD rendering, AO maps, as well as vertex compression.

    While it may appear to get rid of the error it's best to try identify the model with incorrect shader and ask the creator to re-export it.
  9. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Cheers for the info Altiris. Finding the model responsible would be a daunting task though. I'll do an update using the building fx file.
  10. Altiris

    Altiris Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    It's worth a test anyhow, can't guarantee it'll work :p

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