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Road Addon Mod (ram) 1.3

All-In One Road Mod

  1. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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    timofp submitted a new resource:

    Road Addon Mod (RAM) - All-In One Road Mod

    Read more about this resource...
  2. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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  3. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Hi Timoft, first of all, thanks for another mod. I’ve been a fan of many of your mods and this one seems a lot of work.

    Nevertheless, the transport menu is surely one of the most critical when it comes to conflicts, so if you don’t mind I would like to post some questions. Here goes:

    1 - Does this affect all road sets? I don’t see any changes in default set…so I’m guessing it’s only for US. Can you confirm?

    2 - Is this compatible with other textures? I mean if we don’t use the dark or grey options we will be able to keep another texture right?

    At the moment, i’m using Nogerivan texture that is close to RHM (that’s why I use it). It seems if I just place the road add on and the pavement, old texture is still on, but I get the upgrading thing as well as the grey sidewalks (which I particularly like). Can you please confirm this can be done without problems?

    3 – My normal in game highway is not in the proper menu. I still have RHM roads though…and the normal highway bridge is still there as well…The highway I can find under overwater and limitless buttons. Are those the same?

    I’m asking this because I had some problems before with some versions of standard roads that would show up under limitless button. But their behavior was very strange. By the way, they are still there, side by side with your no furniture ones. I don’t have a clue where they come from. I had just forget that menu, but now they’re bugging me.

    And if you moved highway from original place, I’d like to know which one is the original: overwater or limitless?

    It’s not a big thing, but personally I’d like to have the normal highway in the original place, since I like to combine it with RHM trough the connectors. And since the bridge is still in the proper menu, I wonder if you intended things like this.

    4 – Will the no furniture versions have functionality or they are just visual. Meaning…will cars still stop at intersections? This is welcome either way, but of course if traffic could flow would be fantastic.

    Hope you find the time to answer this questions and thanks again for all your effort in improving game for all of us.
  4. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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    It does only affect the US road set, bringing it to other road sets would mean 1000's extra files

    Using other tuxtures (or even non at all) won't lead to game crashed. If the other texture pack doesn't provide all the required textures, gaps may show up however. Also because of a coding mess with the original CWM addon the texture packs contain 3 roads which you will miss out on if you are not using one of them.

    As I sea the Norvegian texture set is rather popular, I will try to make a compatibility pack for it, so you have all roads at your disposal with these texture, it will come in an update.

    The Original Highway is moved to the overwater button, nothing else changed, only the location in the menu. This is done to make room for the RHM2 and it's connector peaces. The one you find in the NoCollision menu is probabely from the same addon those ghost roads to the menu as you mentioned earlier, it's not this addon.

    Do you mean the no furniture roads under the Nocollision mod? They are completely functional, they are made from the default roads with the furniture removed, capacities and other stats are the same.
  5. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Thanks for the replies Timoft. Much appreciated.
    This is really a great add on. Love the grey sidewalks and the no furniture roads.

    About nogerivan's texture:
    I've been testing your mod and it already seems compatible, as long as you don't use any of the black or grey options you provide (which i think are the same as CWM). Instead, i'm using your road add on and the pavement one, but Nogerivan's texture. It seems to work fine.

    Off course, if you can provide a proper update would be great. But maybe you can save yourself some time if you find out it works this way. I'm not 100% sure, so it's probably best for you to confirm.

    I don't know about the 3 missing roads, so if that the case maybe a proper update would be indeed very welcome. Can you identify them? I could confirm to you if they are in game with Nogerivan's texture.

    Thanks again mate.
  6. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I know which 3 roads it are as I've placed these files in the texture packs, so you won't see them if you don't use any of the Grey and Black texture packs. This is also a good thing as I think the other roads are compatible with Nogerivan's texture pack, but the three might not be.

    Could you give me a link to the Nogerivan's texture pack? This way I can look into making it also compatible with the 3 extra roads. In the end you don't miss out on that much if you don't have the three extra roads, but I can always look into it.
  7. AKHA

    AKHA Skilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    This is something to be hold, I am lost in Norwegian fog, I guess I have to do some reading, thank you for this mod.
  8. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Well Tim, it seems Nogerivan's texture is not uploaded in the new site. I was also looking for his bus line roads texture, because at the moment i get no texture in those.
    But here's a link to the files, excep the bus lines roads.
    https://meocloud.pt/link/e52e0136-7a07-4e39-8195-5f1741fbc8e8/Nogerivan files.rar/

    ZZZZZ_Road_Addon_Mod_V1.1 is a dependency. I think similar to yours.
    What i did is i'm using yours instead of his, along side with pavement file, but then i use all other files for textures. Seems to work.
    Only thing not working are the bus line roads. They have no texture, but thats because of the missing file, i believe.

    I'll check that out if Nogerivan provide a download link for those, which i already asked for.
  9. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Hi timofp....I've upload my texture in resource
    I don't install this mod so I don't know if it works with this mod

    if I want to open my old savegame there is no need to remove the old addon mod then?
  10. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I'm working on an update of my Road Addon Mod with a compatible texture pack for these textures, will be online tonight. I suggest you wait for that one. I will write out the details regarding compatibility once it's uploaded.
  11. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    nice..thanks so much

    I am also made a small patch to unlock the hollywood boulevard road, You can add it to this mod if You want
  12. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Hi Timoft, it seems there's a little bug with the wide expressway. it leaves a gap once intersected, if upgraded to genius boulevard.
    I tried both with normal roads and the ones under custom button, with the grey sidewalk. It happens either way. Now i don't know if this your mod or the original road layout, but maybe you could take a look at it.

    What i mean is this:
  13. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I don't have the problem with the grey or black textures, I see that you are using the Norvegian textures, this might be the problem. But I'm at the moment working on a update of the pack. This one (on my installation) doesn't have the problem you're facing, it will be online soon and you can test out if it fixes the problem you're having. If it doesn't, we could try to find out which file is causing the incompatibility.
  14. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Thx for this one, I integrated it in the pack, changed the ddstexture and made it upgradeable so a special road like this doesn't clutter the building menu.
  15. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    I am forgot to mention...in my texture I also add a roundabout without trees, maybe You can made something like that also upgradeable in this mod
  16. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Yep, i was under the impression it might be something else. Either Nogerivan texture or other file.
    I will try the update once it's out and let you know.
  17. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    I have that problem in my texture with gregonos buslane...that part sometime randomly using default sidewalk texture
  18. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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  19. luis diogo

    luis diogo Elite

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Still 1.1 in the download Timoft.
    maybe i'm a bit too early and you're still uploading.
    But just wanted to point that out in case of something went wrong with the upload.
  20. timofp

    timofp Executive

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Yes, the site is giving me some problems, I can't upload v1.2, so I added it as an external link, but it seem sit won't do that. Maybe because the original file wasn't external.

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