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    If you use a proxy server your registration will most likely get blocked due to spammers and hackers using proxy servers to hide their real IP address.

    If your using your home or work IP address and have not received your registration email, check your spam folder.
    PLEASE DO NOT ASK TO HAVE YOUR ACCOUNT DELETED IF YOU HAVE POSTED IN THE FORUM! If so we do not delete accounts due to the mess it can make on the forum.
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  3. Please see the following thread for more information
    XLN's future is looking kind of grim

Update Log

Discussion in 'Website Information and News' started by IcyHot, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    September 7, 2014

    Email Update:

    • XLNation will email you notifications when "watched" posts, resources, and other things change if you selected that option.

    • XLNation now requires email verification with new user registration. This along with various spam controls will reduce spammer access to XLNation.

    The server is now:
    • Automatically backing up the XLNation database and website daily.

    • Automatic Weekly backup to an external hard drive.

    • Automatic Monthly offsite backup to a cloud sever.
    Alex24 likes this.
  2. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    September 13, 2014

    Enhanced Search
    • XLNation now supports enhanced searching.

    New Theme
    As you probably noticed, XLNation is running on a new professional theme. Some of the nicer features are:
    • Users can change the basic colors of the theme using the AD Styler and Color Options from the bottom of each page
    • The theme is "fixed width" at 1170 pixels. Those of you with bigger monitors will notice the slider does not distort.
    • The Navigation Menu stays "fixed" at the top no matter how much you scroll, this will make moving around the website even easier
    • The Right Panel on the Home Page and Forums Page always stays on top
  3. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    September 16, 2014

    XLNation Updated:

    XenForo Security Releases: 1.2.7, 1.3.6 and 1.4.1

    Today, we released several new versions of XenForo to address a cross site request forgery (CSRF) issue in the SWFUpload library that XenForo uses. This issue may allow an attacker to make requests and carry out actions as you or one of your members.

    This issue affects all versions of XenForo released before today.

    @IcyHot -- I take security seriously
    Möebius likes this.
  4. snick

    snick Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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  5. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    September 19, 2014

    1. You can now enable sound in the Shoutbox. Go to your user preferences and select "yes" to enable sound
  6. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    September 23, 2014

    1. You can now select XLNation (Fixed) or XLNation (Fluid) Themes. The default is XLNation (Fixed)

    XLNation is all about choices. The "fixed" theme limits the max width of XLNation to 1170 pixels. Those of you with larger monitors may want to try out the "fluid" theme and stretch the browser window even larger. One small drawback, the slider images will distort and stretch as well, so don't complain about that. :rolleyes:

    The lower left corner of XLNation is where you change the theme
  7. Pamascus27

    Pamascus27 Mayor

    Aug 21, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Good to know, Icy. (y)
    I'm glad we have you here, to hear our questions, suggestions, problems, etc to make the site better! :D
  8. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    September 27, 2014

    1. Donation Manager Installed.

    Transparency is important to me. I calculated the yearly reoccurring costs for XLNation and posted a campaign. At most websites you just click a paypal link and give some cash into a dark void. At XLNation you know what has been collected and why. In the future if the website needs a bigger hard drive (It will btw) that "capital" type investments can be tracked independently.
    Möebius and nicko2u like this.
  9. veija2

    veija2 Mayor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Transparency is important to me, too. You are doing great things here, Mr. Hot. thanks.
  10. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    great idea Icy - I hope to make a donation early next week.
  11. Alex24

    Alex24 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Donation goal reached btw
  12. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I dont see the donation module today anyone else?
    or has it been taken down, if so why?
  13. Alex24

    Alex24 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    goal has been reached, I guess it's taken down now
  14. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    hrm odd, would be nice to see the goal achieved still.
  15. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I took it down because people kept donating more beyond the goal. I tried to put it back up but could not due to the software.
  16. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
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    Aug 20, 2014
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    October 14, 2014

    1. City Journals now require the Population and Map used in order to post or update. So make sure you have those two pieces of information when you decide to share your creations with the rest of us.
  17. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    October 14, 2014

    Upgraded to XenForo 1.4.2. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found since the release of 1.4.0. As this is a maintenance release, the vast majority of the focus was an increase in stability.

    However, there have been several minor improvements:
    • The IP of the user submitting a "Contact Us" form is now displayed in the email sent to the forum contact.
    • The "Contact Us" form can use the 1.3-style method of headers with the "Sender info in From header on contact emails" option. This can be useful when sending contact emails to a Gmail account which may not always respect the Reply-To header as expected.
    • Added support for Google's new Search Sitelinks mark up.
    • When a user has received warnings leading to a ban until the warning points expire, the ban expiration date will now be calculated and displayed to the user.
    Some of the bugs fixed in 1.4.2 include:
    • Fixed display of the "hamburger" icon in the navigation in iOS8
    • Fix the cursor appearing erroneously after replying to a thread in iOS8
    • Don't autofocus file inputs to avoid iOS8 incompatibilities
    • Improve performance of the online status indicator
    • Allow years to be selected far in the future in the date picker
    • Disable IP resolution on the moderated users list due to performance issues
    • Reduce the amount of user information available to the "quick" session activity list to reduce memory issues
    • Add a new _getRegistrationInputDataSafe method to the registration controller that caches the _getRegistrationInputData method (which is not idempotent); the new method can be called multiple times
    • Check banned status before checking general viewing permissions
    • Disable overlay scrolling on absolutely positioned overlays (mostly for mobile devices)
    • Fix the date input appearing unexpectedly when clicking cancel in an overlay
    • Fix several JS and URL issues relating to running XenForo on an IDN
    • Improve pasting of tabular content into the rich text editor
    • Fixed editor issue where an entire paragraph could be removed when inserting an auto-completed username
    • Disable the rich text editor for Windows Phone due to cursor issues
    • Adjust the sitemap builder to lock the files and to flush them to prevent potential corruption
    • Fix a timezone-specific issue in the statistics where the final selected day would not always be displayed
    • Fix a race condition that could prevent a conversation from being marked as read
    • Prevent an SQL error if a user has 65,535 unread alerts
    • Prevent an SQL error from overly long warning messages
    • Prevent an error when reading bounce messages from empty IMAP mailboxes
    • Fixed a situation where the attachment file selector would appear behind the browser window in Firefox
    • Fixed a situation where the attachment list wouldn't be hidden when there were no attachments
    • Move "inherit" rules outside of style properties/into the extra component when set via the template system
    • Fixed tooltip positioning over avatars in the sidebar of the notable members page
    • Fixed tooltip positioning for "remove all filters" in the thread list
    • Prevent a possible error if using the bulk like removal on an orphaned like
    • Updated URLs in the cookie notice describing clearing cookies for some browsers
  18. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    What is an SQL error?
    Anyways, I believe that I will be able to avoid having 65,535 unread alerts :)
  19. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    sql error basically mean database error. but hell yeah someone must be popular to get that many alerts lol.
    kipate likes this.
  20. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    October 26, 2014

    1. Started the infrastructure for Counties XL team. The new forums are in place and the Resouces now have a Countries XL category

    2. Added a new forum called "At the Movies." True it has nothing to do with City Building but we can still have fun
    Pamascus27 likes this.

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