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NEXL Waterways 1.6

CityLink waterways with live ships.

  1. NEXL_Team

    NEXL_Team Skilled Worker

    Aug 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    NEXL_Team submitted a new resource:

    Waterways - CityLink waterways with live ships.

    Read more about this resource...
  2. Le Cat

    Le Cat Guest

    If you could, try to find and salvage my posts on pages 4 and 6 where I describe how to use it.
  3. Tortuga

    Tortuga Unskilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I have installed it but, when completed, it only shows a 'no harbor' icon on top of the building. Are the waterways to the edge of the map created automatically? I can't figure how to do this. Thanks.
  4. Le Cat

    Le Cat Guest

    That is the reason why my posts on page 4 and 6 should be salvaged... :)
  5. Tortuga

    Tortuga Unskilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I figured it out! It works very well!
  6. Nathan Lee

    Nathan Lee Vagabond

    Sep 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Thanks! I have a question: once the waterway is established is there any way to make the blue path invisible and just see the boats moving on the water?
  7. Le Cat

    Le Cat Guest

    Yes, click on the waterway and upgrade it.
  8. ave83it

    ave83it Vagabond

    Sep 13, 2014
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    I must be a bit dense because I am really struggling with this. I keep getting the 'not enough room for this road' message when trying to snap to the harbors and start a waterway. If I start at the edge of the map and try to connect to the Harbor that way, if I do manage to do it, I just get a 'not connected to road' icon on the connection at the end of the map.

    Can anyone give me a clue, cause it's really frustrating me!!
  9. Le Cat

    Le Cat Guest

    A copy of my posts on the old XLN that you might find useful:


    Well, to do a connection to a harbor, you have to find the place of the "blue plug". when you have a "blue plug" try to draw you way "in" the harbor a little bit to find the second "blue plug" (it can be difficult to find it, that's why I posted pictures that's show where they are, so you can find it easily). Double-click to have your first piece of waterway. Now, click on the first "blue plug" and connect it to your "waterway citylink connection".
    Like some other mods, you have to find your way by experience...

    So, to be more clear, I used to begin a waterway from the edge of the map (and by trying again today, you have to or else, the waterway won't connect properly), then, using the images above, to connect it to the first blue plug and finally, to the second blue plug.
    The first blue plug is located at about 20 meters of the edge of the collision box. the second blue plug is on the collision box.
    (I did a nice new screenshot just for you, with water street circling the collision box and a second water street to simulate the position of the 1st plug, ave83it ^^)
    I hope it will help everyone struggling with this mod.
    (Thanks to Peter who gave access to the web archive of the old XLN to the "lazy cat" :p )
  10. ave83it

    ave83it Vagabond

    Sep 13, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Thank you, finding it to be as fiddly as a fiddlers fiddle, but I get the idea now...... Does the map / ocean / depth of ocean have any affect? For example a modders map downloaded from here, or a shallow beach type coast lines?
  11. Le Cat

    Le Cat Guest

    I don't think so...
    I used this mod on different maps and never had a problem, as long as there wasn't a bug with the purple resource connection.

    And indeed, this community-made mod isn't really that user-friendly. But it works when you get the hang of it.
  12. barradar

    barradar Vagabond

    Oct 3, 2014
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    my harbour inter city doing work. but ther ship/ boat freight or passenger are not going (live) arrive the blue linik. why??
  13. SettlersGrandPa

    SettlersGrandPa Unskilled Worker

    Sep 21, 2016
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    Please, can we get this mod for CXXL?

    I just did have installed it in CXXL. The icons don't show up in the menu, maybe this is because of the missing parts in UIM. But when clicking onto the icon for the 2nd largest harbour hte game crashes to desktop. Maybe there are other bugs involved with this patch.

    I'm very sorry for this current state, 'cos importing a city from CXL into CXXL now makes it necessary to delete all buildings (including the waterways) from the city to make it working in CXXL!

    2018-01-22 17:49

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