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    XLN's future is looking bad

Xl Nation, Avast Av And False Positives

Discussion in 'XLNation Site Questions, Problems and Suggestions' started by KevinTheCynic, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. KevinTheCynic

    KevinTheCynic Executive

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Hey all,
    I'm having intermittent problems accessing the site because Avast anti-virus considers anything labelled "XL Nation" to be a threat (based on what happened with the old site). I've reported it as a false positive but one report isn't always enough :p
    And yeah, I've added xlnation.net to the exceptions list on the AV but the bloody thing still won't allow access to this site.

    I have to jump through some hoops to log on (including using IE to open the site, which I consider to be a massive step backwards!) and doing all that appears to disable some of the cool features available here (like the buttons for the smilies for example)... so anyway, don't be surprised if I post a flurry of responses to multiple thread and then disappear for a while or I don't respond within a few days of asking me any questions.
    Until Avast can sort their shit out, I'll have limited access here :(
    And out of idle curiosity, does anyone else have access problems due to their AV?
  2. The Funky Monk

    The Funky Monk Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    I reported it too.

    I used to use avast years ago and it was really good but it started causing problems so I changed to MS Security Essentials. A few months ago I gave avast another go because it is the most thourough but couldn't access a few like this one so I uninstalled it and put msse back on. Avast was like being in jail(not that I've been in jail):LOL:
  3. Monty

    Monty Governor

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I don't think that is all Avast's fault. Facebook doesn't like XLNation.net links either. I think because of the whole security and spamming issues on the old site, the domain or ip or whatever probably got flagged as crap site.

    I never had a warning with AVG, tho.
  4. snick

    snick Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I guess it's up to Avast users to notify false reports.
  5. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Im using Eset smart security and its never complained. Im on firefox with a adblock addon.
    Eventually we might get removed off the list but if there is still dodgy sites in the same IP range its not going to happen in a hurry
  6. KevinTheCynic

    KevinTheCynic Executive

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Yep, pretty much all the info I found out was that, like most AV companies, Avast uses a reference library of bad and formerly bad domains. If a website is on that domain, it's possible that it will be flagged as dangerous. Even if the website is perfectly safe, the AV will base its recommendations on the domain and not the specific website.
    So when it comes to XL Nation, the domain it used to be on apparently had a bad rep with the AV companies and then XL Nation itself gets hacked thereby further reducing it in the eyes of the AV companies.

    I do have a simpler work-around now and it's still using Avast (by the way, I'm kinda sticking with Avast for a while yet because I got a really good deal out of them for being a long term customer and so I'm paid up until early 2016 - don't really want to waste all that!)
    Anyway, enough dribbling on... Avast Internet Security has a SafeZone feature that I haven't bothered to use before because I never needed to and besides, I had seen that earlier versions of it got some poor reviews (in regards to systems impact and clunky interface). It was provided by them to allow "more secure" online banking, shopping etc. etc.

    However, it works kinda like their Sandbox from previous versions of Avast so I'm trying it now and I have full access to XLN and while I still have to "prepare" before accessing, I don't have to jump through as many hoops and more importantly, I don't have to use Internet Explorer (a programme I thoroughly despise) to get access.
  7. Peter912

    Peter912 Elite

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I´m also using Eset Antivirus....I neither get any crapshitsite report or problems like that. Maybe it´s just (as said above) the problem of antivirus ;)
    And we ain´t a crapsite anyway :D
  8. KevinTheCynic

    KevinTheCynic Executive

    Aug 23, 2014
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    For me, the problem seems to be specifically that Avast when used with Google Chrome, declares XL Nation as unsafe.
    If I use Avast with Internet Explorer, I get no problems at all (aside from the complete inability of IE to open new pages in tabs and the slow as a dead donkey performance of IE).
  9. Sabertooth

    Sabertooth Skilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Just to let everyone know who uses Avast Antivirus that xlnation.net is no longer being blocked when clicking the link in your browser or in the CitiesXL website under the “Community” tab. This problem is now fixed.
    snick likes this.
  10. snick

    snick Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I thought I saw people discussing this earlier, but wasn't sure. Thanks for confirming!
  11. KevinTheCynic

    KevinTheCynic Executive

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Umm yeah, I did find that out but I totally neglected to post anything about it. :oops:
    Because I am a slack-arse...

    I did make a post on the Avast forums a few weeks back and a few days after there was a positive response from Jefferson saying that XLNation was a false positive and should be fixed in the latest Avast updates.
    Checking back there now I see Funky also posted on the Avast forums to add more voices to the call, (my user name on the Avast forum is clone65).

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