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    XLN's future is looking kind of grim

Xlnation Vs Official Site

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Abbittibbi, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. Abbittibbi

    Abbittibbi Unskilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    My question is: have we been fooled by FHI all along?

    First: let me share a very warm THANK YOU to all of those fans who came this far with this game, and to those who built content for it until today. And of course, to all fabulous cities builders.

    I have spent well over 1000 hours(lost count long long time ago, in a galaxy far aw...hum, well!) in CXL and came to XLN countless times. I am certainly crazy...loving CXL. I took almost all addons from here, counting 642 mods files or 7.07GB of patches. I got every new version the day it came out, was even one of the few who pre-order the limited edition.

    As I had some mysterious and uncontrollable hope about the official site, which I have not visited in two years, I went about to satisfy my sudden morbid passion and paid myself a visit there, just to figure out(again) what I already known: dead, and well dead. It has not been updated in two years. The forum there is also deserted as I find my own two years old post closing a topic started in 2010.

    I never had the feeling that FHI cared for the fans and customers. I have long dead hope for real updates and fixes for this ABSOLUTELY STUNNING GAME. Unfortunately in a World of cash, the initial developer went under and so did we. What I thought could be a serious game and standing strong community never happened.

    Subsequent versions(2011, 2012, platinum) issued by FHI where nothing but micro-content DLC and NO FIX, which I am completely against in any way, shape or form. I would pay big bucks for complete sequels, as it was for games like CIVILIZATION, THE SIMS OR ROLLER COASTER TYCOON.

    And thru this and much more BS and crap, the game is still alive, thanks to a few irreducible and unconditional people that all gather here. I came here(and to old XLN) almost every day since I discovered it, also hoping for that kicker fix or patch that would make CXL run for much longer.

    I have spent some time TRYING to figure a way for a VIABLE COMMERCIAL TAKEOVER of this franchises by fan-base, all from here of course. This went dead as well, as I figure I quite rapidly I cannot take this title for myself, and we don't have the cash for buyout. Realistically, there will be nothing more coming out of FHI, so my dream is broken.

    To this point now: the official site is now a game killer more than it helps it. People going there GET NOTHING.

    All that always surrounded CXL always happened here, and without it, there would be NOTHING FOR ALL. This site, as it migrated, will survive for some time to come, with strong ADMINS and content uploaded again.

    At this time: I believe this is the very last chance this title have, as it is slipping out of view and out of time. For a more personal point of view: even if I built many amazing cities and want to go on building more; was this my last one? I cannot complete my cities as I plan them dues to errors and crashes, am I going to uninstall it and forget about it?

    I got a bad feeling and urgent need for reassurance. This game is great and I don't want to see it die...

    This topic is to point out: FHI has thrown the towel: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?

    Thank you for your answers and opinions about it.
    Steven H. Endermann and Möebius like this.
  2. mrmajkl

    mrmajkl Unskilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    so true.... mmmm what we can do without the engine data which FHI holds.... It's heartbreaking I know.... Thank u its not enough expression of how I am trully thankful for what all of you great modders here did for Cities XL...

    Maybe Cities Skylines will offer us that what we never got from Monte Cristo/FHI..... It looks very promising and in some way it reminds me the time when I was watching developing of CXL and I couldn't wait for its release. It looks very promising but at the moment it's all - "maybe".... and we all wish
  3. snick

    snick Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    Official support or not, I think this community still has a bright future. As you said, the dedication of the modding community as kept the game going, and I think it will for years to come. Just look at the SC4 community - they've lasted over 10 years with little to no support from Maxis. The bug/memory leak issue is a big one, but I think it can be overcome as well.
  4. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I just learned to always exit out to planet view once an hour or when things started to get "a tad weird." I also learned early on to back up my cities prior to starting a gaming session.
  5. Abbittibbi

    Abbittibbi Unskilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    I have not started this topic to get FHI support or an illusion about it, of course, but rather to make sure this site and community keeps going.

    I like answers posted previously as they are reassuring me that people here will not go away, at least for some time. I don't want this builder game to go and I surely don't want to be alone with it. We talked a few time about a TAKEOVER for this title. But there is something in the middle we could try: maybe we could reach some sort of commercial contract with FHI allowing some of us from here to have ''behind the scene'' access to the official site and forum, and maybe the title could be sold here too. Last, maybe WE can built our own sequel to it, pretty much as it was done with the XL expansion network.

    Theses are just ideas, I'd like to get some take on theses.

    Yeah, I'm one of those that J. Lennon cite in ''Imagine''. I just hope I'm not the only one... :)

    Thank you all.
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Skilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    The game will live on for a while yet. I only purchased it last year after playing simcity4 for years. I'm only getting time to get into it now. Some of the mods on here are awesome. My point is, whilst most of you have been playing it for years, it's still attracting new players, like me.
    snick likes this.
  7. Peter912

    Peter912 Elite

    Aug 22, 2014
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    Honestly the official site doesn´t care about CXL anymore. We provide full techsupport, mods, etc. so theoretically, we are the "heart" of CXL...
  8. Pamascus27

    Pamascus27 Mayor

    Aug 21, 2014
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    I agree with Peter.
  9. mrmajkl

    mrmajkl Unskilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    And here we go :) That's totally unexpected.... I really thought developers forgot about this game and they didnt :) .... Cities XXL on the way... I am really happy but I am curious what they wanna come with... Multicore support - YAY! but if they won't come up with functional rail, and fix things which have never worked properly then I think it would be pointless to release new version.... thats why I have big hopes if they put such efford and probably recoded the game for multicore support.... maybe they did something as they say it will be filled to the brim with new features..... fingers crossed
  10. Abbittibbi

    Abbittibbi Unskilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Following the announcement of XXL, I'm not a happy camper this morning. I should be, but no, based on the past, and the fact that XL was dropped and forgot.

    I'm sure that FHI come here(at least one is). WE ARE XL, WE ARE STRONG, WE DO NOT FORGET.

    Get out the protests signs and protest songs, we are organizing a sit-in FHI.

    For sure, we are going to have to pay again. If it has to come to this,

    FHI LISTEN TO US......


  11. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    so those thing are real, cities xxl?
    is there any other official information about it except on that fb fan page?
  12. Abbittibbi

    Abbittibbi Unskilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Downright speculation, XXL is. At this point in time...

    There is nothing from FHI on it's official site and of course, nothing on the CXL site.

    Untill now, this is a fan dream, maybe we'll see something come out soon.

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you will join us
    And the world will be as one
  13. mrmajkl

    mrmajkl Unskilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    FB page is official page! And if you check official website http://www2.citiesxl.com/ there's already first advert for Cities XXL coming soon!!!!
    So it is real.....
  14. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    ok thanks, those flash ads are blocked on my browser
  15. mrmajkl

    mrmajkl Unskilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    cool :) so happy news
  16. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Aug 25, 2014
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    yes it is
  17. Abbittibbi

    Abbittibbi Unskilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Happy to be wrong.

    I can't find it in the forums, on the official site, but taking a second look at facebook's page, it seem to have been posted officially. Here's a copy of the text posted:


    November 14
    We're thrilled to announced the return of the world's largest city builder, filled to the brim with new features allowing you to expand the scope of the game further than any Cities XL game before it. Introducing: Cities XXL!

    Create and manage enormous cities on the latest version of the 'Cities' engine with multi-core support. With a smooth FPS no matter the size and complexity, there are no longer any limits on the richness and diversity of your sprawling metropolis. New features, buildings, and other details will be revealed over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

    November 18
    Beta testers Alex and Goran are eager to show you their sprawling urban landscapes, with blue skies, purple sunsets, and tropical landscapes! Multi-core support isn’t the only new feature coming to Cities XXL… Stay tuned for more.
  18. mrmajkl

    mrmajkl Unskilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    It is on official website www.citiesxl.com !!! The advert is using flashplayer so if you dont have it then you cannot see it!
  19. Abbittibbi

    Abbittibbi Unskilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    @mrmajkl: thank you for this precision, in fact it's my ad buster that do not allow me to see it.
  20. mrmajkl

    mrmajkl Unskilled Worker

    Aug 31, 2014
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    cool :) I am glad and yes I know it's hard to believe CitiesXL is back :) I thought this will never happen too

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