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CJ Lunia

a city growing by the river Redia .....

  1. AzemOcram
    This is a pretty good City Journal. It is very beautiful except for the repetition of some buildings. Unfortunately, this cannot be helped because of the lack of buildings available in that style in Cities XL and XLNation.
  2. skullz613
    Very nice city. Good photoshop work as well. Do all those trees slow the game down?
    1. Chencho
      Réponse de l'auteur
      yes but i put them for the pic then delete jeje
  3. Mrvoltura
    captures european feel well
    1. Chencho
      Réponse de l'auteur
      yes the origin of the city is european but modern areas are growing now...
  4. gbojanic
    Very nice details! Thumbs up.
    1. Chencho
      Réponse de l'auteur
      thank u , wich kind of details you apreciate more?
  5. streetsofny
    Nice city friend! great work with photoshop ;)
    1. Chencho
      Réponse de l'auteur
      thanks a lot!
  6. kipate
    Very good results, Chencho, I really like the city you show!
    Especially the eye for the small details, pretty awesome!
    1. Chencho
      Réponse de l'auteur
      thank you very much ! news updates soon!
  7. Alibaba
    I like it a lot!
    1. Chencho
      Réponse de l'auteur
      thank you i hope you will enjoy news updates of Lunia, alot of projects coming