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Transportation Streets of Los Angeles

Discussion dans 'Transportation' créé par wildii, 18 Avril 2017.

  1. wildii

    wildii Governor

    1 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    Hello fellow modders, currently I am working on a pack of buildings from the city of Los Angeles. To this pack I would like to add suitable streets. As I don`t have a clue on how to mod streets I need your help.

    Here is a sketch on how it should look like:
    Streets of LA2.jpg
    - The small suburban streets have a sidewalk and a small strip of green. The avenues only have a sidewalk.
    - Black boxes indicate parking cars.
    - Intersections of suburban streets as well as an intersection of suburban streets with avenues should not create trafficlights.
    - Intersections of suburban streets create stop signs. An intersection of suburban streets with avenues only create stop signs on the suburban roads. The avenues are preference roads.
    - An intersection of avenues create trafficlights - in contrast to european intersections on the opposite side of the intersection.
    - The three types of intersections have different markings on the streets.

    I hope this project is realizable. But I think we`ll need two different type of avenues.
    Drazicdesign et kipate aiment ça.
  2. kipate

    kipate Governor

    23 Août 2014
    2 382
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    2 978
    I guess that you can change the layout files to replace the traffic lights with stop signs for the suburban roads. Probably another priority sign would be good. But maybe ask @Drazicdesign for help ;)
    Drazicdesign apprécie ceci.
  3. Monty

    Monty Governor

    20 Août 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    3 097
    Road mods? You must hate yourself :rofl:

    Maybe you can base your models on Drazic's american roads, it will simplify your work and the seamless transition between both would be appreciated by players.
    Drazicdesign et kipate aiment ça.
  4. Nick97

    Nick97 Elite

    7 Septembre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    I am working on this Mod and it will be completely by tomorrow, it will be available in steam workshop or citiesxlmods.com

    I am not advertising I am just letting you know what going on
  5. Nick97

    Nick97 Elite

    7 Septembre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    I might today in less them 2 hour, I am testing it and getter screenshots with it
  6. Nick97

    Nick97 Elite

    7 Septembre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
  7. wildii

    wildii Governor

    1 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    @Nick97: With all due respect: Did you even read my request? You posted some screens showing the regular in game roads - and bad ones as well ...

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