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Maps Woodstock Nb Canada

Discussion dans 'Maps' créé par Jelco, 26 Octobre 2014.

  1. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    Hi guys,

    This is my first post here and i want somebody to make a map for me :)
    I am from Holland but i lived in Woodstock NB Canada for a pretty long time and my parents still do.
    I kinda miss living there and i have been trying for years to get a map so i could recreate the town in simcity but nobody on simtropolis was interested.
    There are maps from just an hour from there but no woodstock and i really don't know how to make one my self.
    I just got Cities XL platinum and thought i'd give it another chance with this fresh city builder and see if anyone is willing to help a brother out. It would be so great!

    Thanks :)
  2. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    No need to view this page if you're not going to help me
  3. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
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    21 Août 2014
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    Can you do a screenshot from Google Maps and roughly mark the area you want so ether myself or another mapmaker knows exactly the area you want?
  4. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    Sure thing! Is this good enough? I wasnt sure about the zoomage and couldnt get it quite right with google maps but if it's like the picture that would be really amazing. Sorry about that other picture i think it's because i have 2 screens registered If you need something ill be around :)

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  5. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
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    That's OK. I can make the town roughly center in the map so there's a good amount of land ether side if that's OK.
  6. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    ah man that would so great! if you can, try to include it up to the beardsleyroad south of the town and a bit of jacksonville more to the north. I don't care much for the landmass on the other side of the big river to the east. i rather have more map in lenght than in width but see what you can do. I'm happy someone is actually willing to help me with this anyway.
    Is it hard to make a map like simcity? Just wondering.
    Thanks a lot! Cant wait to have it ;p
  7. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    I mean it would be cool if there was a little bit of land on the other side of the river to the east just for the view ;p
    How are you going to do the latitude tho? I just send you a flat picture haha
  8. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
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    21 Août 2014
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    I work with Google Maps in satellite mode with the map tilted to get a feel for the hills etc... I also use the old Google maps as well as it has a layer for heights.
    Here's the area I have started on. It's 10.5km x 10.5km (max we can do with maps)
  9. KevinTheCynic

    KevinTheCynic Executive

    23 Août 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    Hey that looks like it could be a fun map to build on :)
  10. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    hey awesome man! I'll be so happy once it's done :p
    my house was on the 590 jacksonville just a little bit more up the map but it's totally oke if it's not on there. it would be real cool to get a little bit off the bottom and add a little bit on the top. just be sure the beardsleyroad on the bottom is on there because that's like the last part of the town pretty much. succes!
  11. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
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    I'll see what can be done.
  12. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    anything is fine really. it doesnt have to be perfect or anything and i'm already happy when i can finally start making the town :)
    thanks again. have you been working on it?
    on the builders forum i requested a tim hortons since it's a must have for all canadian towns or cities lol
  13. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
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    Here's how far I have got in wordmachine. The hills on the right were easy to lay out but trying to get the ones on the left to match the ones in real life is a bit tricky.
  14. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    oh nice! it's looking good. i see you taken some off the bottom and added some on the top :p
    if the map was 11 by 11 i bet my parents house could even be on there! but that's oke haha.
    i don't know much about mapping but i can understand that proper size and latitutes are pretty difficult to get right
  15. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
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    Yeah it's tricky. 10 or 10.5km is the max we do. Anything bigger and the game shrinks the map down. That's when you loose the scale. Even when you make a map the right size it is never exactly how the area is in real life. Pretty dam close though.
  16. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    Hey skullz i thought i'd check up on how things are coming along. How is it coming along? lol
    Got that feel for the hills any? :p
  17. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
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    Slowly. I took a break from making maps for a few months and I keep forgetting simple things when making them LOL.
    I got the map into the game yesterday but had a few issues with water and land height. Had to rework it in World Machine a bit. The hills might be a little high on the left of the map. I might drop the height more before I get to far.
  18. skullz613

    skullz613 Administrator
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  19. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    Thanks so much man! I will try it after my morning coffee\read lol
    Really nice of you for making this for me :D
  20. Jelco

    Jelco Unskilled Worker

    24 Octobre 2014
    J'aime reçus:
    Oke i gave it a go and it's quite nice! need to give some feedback ofcourse ;p
    While the GoogleMap overlay is really handy, it is not as accurate as doing it by hand. If i use the overlay it won't fit everything between roads.
    Mainstreet is uphill lol
    That's about it so far. Nothing i can't work with :p
    I was looking for the extra terraforming options mod but apparently it's not for platinum which i have.
    Thanks again! going to have fun with this for sure :D

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