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Plazas 3 Sand Plazas 1.0

Its only sand

  1. skullz613
    • Cities XXL Community MOD
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL 2009 - 2011
    • Cities XL Platinum

    Three basic sand plazas.
    You will find them in the decorations menu

    sand.png sand2.png sand3.png

    Copyright 2019 skullz6.13 This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named skullz6.13
    Saturn, Lokentaz, Titi022002 и 5 другим нравится это.

Пoследние рецензии

    Версия: 1.0
    Very nice, will they cover the texture of map completely without shadow marks ?
    1. skullz613
      Ответ автора
      It shouldn't show the shadows
  2. Kitsunebi
    Версия: 1.0
    Awesome! These are very helpful for many maps =) thanks a lot!!!
  3. OmniBLACK
    Версия: 1.0
    Nice, though I wish it was less yellow but still could prove very useful.
    1. skullz613
      Ответ автора
      I'll be doing others at some point. These three were done while trying to match a maps sand color.
  4. daochunhan
    Версия: 1.0
    a lovely texture