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Residential Belgium little add pack 2021-04-30

Belgium little add pack

  1. axel
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL 2009 - 2011
    Common Era Tag:
    • 1900 to 1950
    • 1950 to 2000
    Architectural Style Tag:
    • Renaissance
    • Tenement Building
    11 additional buildings to match the first pack
    they can be found Unskilled and skilled - exceptional - custom


    1. pic6.png
    2. screenie1.png
    Nusjung, Ptiriche, santiago veiguela и 3 другим нравится это.

Пoследние рецензии

  1. JanJan2
    Версия: 2021-04-30
    Wow need this stuff on cities skylines to :o
    1. axel
      Ответ автора
      If you need the textures or files, you always welcome mate
  2. Анонимный пользователь
    Анонимный пользователь
    Версия: 2021-04-30
    wow just wow :)
  3. kipate
    Версия: 2021-04-30
    I love the diversity of the façades, looks overly realistic to me! And even corners :p
  4. Drazicdesign
    Версия: 2021-04-30
    Wow, wonderful work! A real treat for the eyes!
  5. Miguel
    Версия: 2021-04-30
    Amazing buildings pack.