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Landmark Cirka 08 1.0

Executive Rsidental BLDG. Landmark - Orginal author mikkamakka45

  1. mikkamakka345
    My next building is a residential landmark which houses a lot of executives. It is found in the "Decorations/Landmarks" menu. I had some trouble with the curvy surface, the model could have been polished more, but I had no patience. The base is 300mX300m, the height might be something like 700-800m. Some photos:

    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    User Interface Mod
    Shader Pack
    kipate и Steven H. Endermann нравится это.

Пoследние рецензии

  1. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Версия: 1.0
    You ought to publish a CJ with all of your buildings.