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Buildings Placeholder Mod 2015-12-29

Placeholder mod

  1. nicko2u
    • Cities XXL Community MOD
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL Platinum
    For those that use this mod I have just added an update to include a 120 x 120 placeholder tile.

    What does this mod do?
    Let's you place a dummy building foundation. No Taxes/costs. Build your roads around them.
    4 sizes based on in game building sizes - 20 x 20, 40 x 40, 60 x 60 and custom 120 x120.

    Location: custom content - decoration - areas


    1. CXL_PlaceholderMod01.jpg
    Encobert, BahadirB, gbojanic и 11 другим нравится это.

Последние обнoвления

  1. fix description of 120m tile

Пoследние рецензии

  1. Mauricio Robles
    Mauricio Robles
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    Al fin podré cuadrar las calles de mi ciudad con facilidad. ¡Muchas gracias!
  2. sebastian tamayo
    sebastian tamayo
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    Thanks so much.. thas it's so usefull
  3. game9
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    Thanks for sharing it! This is very good!
  4. OmniusPrime
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    An excellent addition to your original awesome Placeholder mod!
  5. parisenforce
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    very useful thank you so much for making the game better !!
  6. Lokentaz
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    So usefull. Thanks.
  7. Thrangar
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    Its been around ? oh the headaches I could have saved myself!
    this is excellent
  8. Big Meany Mean
    Big Meany Mean
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    Finally, my perfect circles
  9. luis diogo
    luis diogo
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    Simple but truly effective. Nice one!
  10. veija2
    Версия: 2015-12-29
    I use this mod all the time. I'm also glad to see it here and with the additional block size. Thanks, Nicko.