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Suggestions Welcome

Discussie in 'General Forums' gestart door IcyHot, 10 mrt 2015.

  1. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator

    Lid geworden:
    20 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    With the release of Cities: Skylines today XLNation will be supporting and growing this aspect of our community. I am open to any and all suggestions to improve what we offer here at XLNation.

    Unlike some other fan sites, XLNation has room for both Cities XL, and Cities: Skylines, our brains are large and our computers are capable of running more than once city builder type game.

    Some of the things that need to be worked out

    • Will we want to upload mods here as well?
    • Will additional forum categories be needed?
    • What Mod Categories do we need?
    Mr.X² vindt dit leuk.
  2. Puss in boots

    Puss in boots Executive

    Lid geworden:
    18 sep 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    NO, NO

    We must release the inquisition to clean xlnation from the heathens how play city skylines! Wicked withcraft it is!!

    No seriously we should also have those mods here as well. And support that game. But not as the main game. Xlnation is build for the XL XXL game
  3. Nogerivan

    Nogerivan Governor

    Lid geworden:
    25 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    probably a CJ section for it.
  4. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator

    Lid geworden:
    20 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    City Journals are their own thing so it would be easy for a Skylines CJ to be created using our existing setup
    Nogerivan vindt dit leuk.
  5. Sabertooth

    Sabertooth Skilled Worker

    Lid geworden:
    31 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    The answer is starring in your face, IcyHot! You already have an excellent framework in place. Just duplicate it for Cities: Skyline.

    By the way, as of writing this post, 96% of Steam reviews are positive and every game site review I've read rate it 8 to 9 out of 10 positive after its release. These are overwhelming results in only 2 days!

    You might want to consider renaming this site CitiesNation, since both games start with 'Cities'. Having both games here will increase our membership and talent pool considerably. If you don't, someone else will. Also, keep in mind that some XL members will switch over to the Cities: Skyline.:)
    Rene en themp3dj vinden dit leuk.
  6. signum_temporis

    signum_temporis Skilled Worker

    Lid geworden:
    30 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    CSL is very nice city simulator but if we compare today CXL and CSL in category of "city design" - winner is CXL. There are many excelent mods for CXL allowing to create incredible things with detailed controll.

    I would like CSL to get such possibilites what we have in CXL, but now modding in CSL is limited and there is problem with sufficient documentation. Today there is impossible to mod roads and vehicles and there is no info how to mod/add ground and surface tiles.

    Another problem is that most things look like made from plastic, reflections are weird and many buildings have simply ugly colors. It isn't too big problem for city simulator but if your goal is to create city of your dream better choice for today is CXL.
  7. signum_temporis

    signum_temporis Skilled Worker

    Lid geworden:
    30 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    What would be good to add at XLNation site in CSL category? I think that most important is place for informations about valuable mods (descriptions, recomendations, direct links to workshop) because Steam Workshop is messed with tons of crap and become unusable.

    Link to my first mod for CSL - More natural colors
    kipate en The Funky Monk vinden dit leuk.
  8. signum_temporis

    signum_temporis Skilled Worker

    Lid geworden:
    30 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    By the way - writing and taking care about CSL is also good way to popularize CXL as some people may be interested more into city creation than simulation.
  9. Pepino

    Pepino Mayor

    Lid geworden:
    15 sep 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Important note here: the question asked is "should there be CSL part/version of this site", not "what do you think about CSL"...

    I do agree CSL seems to be worthy being featured here ;) not sure what the best way would be though.

    Will the (building) mods be "interadaptable"? I saw the modding contest for CSL and there were some very neat buildings that would be awesome for CXL too...

    As for categories, I think the CSL players should give you insights.
  10. Destin Faroda

    Destin Faroda Unskilled Worker

    Lid geworden:
    6 feb 2015
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Currently, cities Skylines has the following mod categories:
    - Assets
    - ColorCorrections
    - Maps
    - Mods (like the one that unlocks all 25 map tiles)

    Assets can be divided up into several subcategories:
    - Residential
    - Commercial
    - Industry
    -- Agriculture
    -- Forestry
    -- Ore
    -- Oil
    -- Generic
    - Offices
    - Electricity
    - Water
    - Education
    - Police
    - Firewatch
    - Healthcare
    - Parks
    - Transportation
    -- Bus system
    -- Train system
    -- Subway system
    -- Harbours
    -- Airport
    - Monuments
    - Special Buildings
  11. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator

    Lid geworden:
    20 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thanks for the list, I am gonna setup the categories
    themp3dj vindt dit leuk.
  12. Rene

    Rene Executive

    Lid geworden:
    6 sep 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    great, I hope we at extra large nations can deliver mods as these guys: http://www.citiesskylines-nation.com/

    the future of this site is on stake.

    sure everyday few hundred people come here to get mods for... 2012/Platinum - that's right.

    however XXL is fading away slooowly it's good to for this site to have new ventures :)
  13. Destin Faroda

    Destin Faroda Unskilled Worker

    Lid geworden:
    6 feb 2015
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Damn, I forgot the streets.
    - Two lane roads
    - Four lane roads
    - Six lane roads
    - Highways
  14. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator

    Lid geworden:
    20 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    I am pretty sure we will limit content here to original assets only. Just because you change the color / add a tree etc of an original building in game and then call it "new" does not make it so.
    themp3dj vindt dit leuk.
  15. Rene

    Rene Executive

    Lid geworden:
    6 sep 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sure, but I would like to see that if people post they're resources maybe let them be in the xlex for some time, just to have stuff on this site for people to get interested. Is there a rush to delete "duplicates"? I think none cares if this site hosts a duplicate for few days or a week.
  16. themp3dj

    themp3dj Unskilled Worker

    Lid geworden:
    22 sep 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    My fear is that everybody will post similar content much like the old SC4 site had and what is starting to happen in Steam's Workshop....

    XLNation has had the reputation for having minimal standards that the community agreed to in CXL...why not have a similar regimen for CSL....?

    Yes, adding new members is what I think XLNation is all about but why not keep the rep that at XLN, "we have the best mods for all games..." I'm not saying let's be snobbish about it, but let's maintain that level of quality over quantity....and there are numerous XLN members already populating the CSL threads at various other sites....

    I am not a modder, but a gamer and CSL gives guys like me an easy way to step into the modding pool...hence all of the "stuff" that is showing up on Steam. How many high-end or complex mods, buildings, furniture has been added versus all of the parks, interchanges, etc....? My fear is there will numerous duplicates as we have seen in the past...

    Just sayin.....
    Sabertooth en The Funky Monk vinden dit leuk.
  17. Destin Faroda

    Destin Faroda Unskilled Worker

    Lid geworden:
    6 feb 2015
    Leuk Bevonden:
    I too suggest specializing on quality mods. Makes things easier when looking for downloads, decreases frustration and XLNation can only benefit from ignoring useless or broken mods.
    Altiris vindt dit leuk.
  18. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Lid geworden:
    22 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    if you find a mod useless or broken then report it or say so on it's thread topic, or even try contacting the author.
    Sabertooth vindt dit leuk.
  19. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator

    Lid geworden:
    20 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    I totally agree. I have removed a lot of mods the last few days. XLNation is for original content only. If people just want to retexture, color, add trees to stuff then we are not the place for it.
    Jamiechi en themp3dj vinden dit leuk.
  20. Trolca

    Trolca Executive

    Lid geworden:
    30 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Does the mods I've released fall into this category? The street sign sets and the Krazy 8 service stations are retextured buildings and props from the game and the USPS mod is retextured material created by Monty (used with his permission). If so, would you rather I restrain from releasing these types of mods?


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