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    إستبعاد الملاحظة

Arts & Leisure dortmund culture building 1.1

a new mod

  1. daochunhan
    • XL Nation Furniture Dependency
    • Cities XXL Community MOD
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL Platinum
    Geographical Tag:
    • Western Europe
    Common Era Tag:
    • 2000 to Future
    Architectural Style Tag:
    • Mediterranean Revival
    • Neo-Classical
    • Postmodernism
    • Structural Expressionism
    this is my new mod,it is from dortmund germany.sorry for my languaue. 屏幕截图(12)副本.png TIM截图20181017162608.png remenber the mods location in the game,i make a mark on the front of the image. TIM截图20181017162907.png and the night map.
    the rest of the pics TIM截图20181017145027.png TIM截图20181017162746.png TIM截图20181017163050.png ok then,i have something to do,enjoy it everyone.
    wildmusicista ،Monty ،Titi022002 و 11آخرون معجبون بهذا.

آخر التحديثات

  1. fix 1.1

آخر التعليقات

  1. Alain56
    الإصدار: 1.1
    merci et continué
  2. luis diogo
    luis diogo
    الإصدار: 1.1
    Road connection is now working fine. Thanks for the update. Great building!
  3. skullz613
    الإصدار: 1.1
    Thanks for the updated version :) Looks great.
  4. amecurty
    الإصدار: 1.0
    What a really nice addition!
    1. daochunhan
      رد الكاتب
      i am happy that you like it.
  5. secpol
    الإصدار: 1.0
    Не вижу AO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. daochunhan
      رد الكاتب
      sorry for hear that,i dont know why it can not been see,because i can see the icon in the game.if you can give me more information,i can find out.
  6. luis diogo
    luis diogo
    الإصدار: 1.0
    Building is amazing but road connection doesn't work. At least in Platinum.
    1. daochunhan
      رد الكاتب
      i am sorry,i notice this issue for a long time,maybe one day it can be solve.
  7. Josejr55
    الإصدار: 1.0
    Very nice building. Thanks!
    1. daochunhan
      رد الكاتب
      thank you
  8. brendonwright1989
    الإصدار: 1.0
    This is great, awesome quality! Nice little spot cleared for this building in my city :)
    1. daochunhan
      رد الكاتب
      thank you.enjoy it.
  9. BahadirB
    الإصدار: 1.0
    You are on fire with modding!
    This building is amazing! There is always a demand for low rise buildings whether they are office, or leisure buildings. and this building also goes very well for a high-scool in my opinion.

    Great job! Keep up the good work!
    1. daochunhan
      رد الكاتب
      i am happy you like it.
  10. Kalrisian
    الإصدار: 1.0
    This Building is great! Nice work. Thank you. Yes, we need more Buildings like this for a big modern City.
    1. daochunhan
      رد الكاتب
      yep,you are right,i think we need more middle buildings.also include the low house.anyway,enjoy it