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Residential Flat pack little 2024-03-10


  1. axel
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL 2009 - 2011
    Geographical Tag:
    • Eastern Europe
    • Western Europe
    Common Era Tag:
    • 1950 to 2000
    • 2000 to Future
    Architectural Style Tag:
    • Modern
    • Renaissance
    • Tenement Building
    A little flat pack 12 buildings, i also have a question on tech forum here any who can help would be great


    1. flatpack.png
    2. flats.png
    DtwizzY ،matias141618 ،kipate و 6آخرون معجبون بهذا.

آخر التعليقات

  1. brendonwright1989
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    Seriously amazing, I can't get enough of these filler buildings - low and mid rise!! I would LOVE more (of course), so these are welcomed
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      Thank you buddy new buildings are on there way
  2. XXP-L14
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    Thank u for the contribution to the community❤
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      your welcome
  3. 远伴相随From China
    远伴相随From China
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    Thank you to the author for contributing to the community! Let those of us who persist in playing see hope
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      Yes i understand and i will keep making mods
  4. bboykleshrock
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    Great! Thank you.
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      your welcome
  5. Kalrisian
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    Thank you!! This is what i need! Modern midrise Apartment Buildings. Great!!
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      Glad to be at service
  6. Игорь
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    GREAT! Thank you)
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      Your welcome
  7. Jake Wade
    Jake Wade
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    These are so good, I love the low and medium denisty buildings as you can never get enough. Espeically with ground floor shops/offices. PERFECT!
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      Hi Jake, thanks mate, next pack is shops
  8. Nur Fachri
    Nur Fachri
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    So happy that there still people play this game, and good mod also...
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      Thank you, me to buddy
  9. Stephane
    الإصدار: 2024-03-10
    Good job!!!! more mods!!!!!
    1. axel
      رد الكاتب
      Thank you, more will come