1. Bill extention granted, phew
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  3. Bill extention granted, phew
    إستبعاد الملاحظة
  4. If you are going to register on XLNation, please make sure you do not use a proxy server.
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Retail XL RATION 1.2

Grocery stores pack

  1. Drazicdesign
    الإصدار: 1.2
    Well I see that you have made lots of nice buildings during my absence!

    Another superb work.
    Thank you for sharing.
  2. مجهول
    الإصدار: 1.2
    Can we ban Secpol?
    Btw, well done, lovely add on!
  3. nicknick
    الإصدار: 1.1
    Brilliant, fresh, well made. Thank you :)
  4. secpol
    الإصدار: 1.0
    +5 Если покажешь здания с таким же покрытием крыши)
  5. BahadirB
    الإصدار: 1.0
    Simple and perfect. I had been looking forwarding to see this mod! Thanks a lot!
  6. selodinger
    الإصدار: 1.0
    "XL Ration" I've never seen such a amusing cross-reference before. We need mods like that. Thanks Lokentaz :)
  7. kipate
    الإصدار: 1.0
    Awesome stuff! It will be spread all over the suburbs of my town :) and XL Ration, you are good with names ;)
  8. skullz613
    الإصدار: 1.0
    Awesome work :) It's great having more low level buildings to choose from
  9. luis diogo
    luis diogo
    الإصدار: 1.0
    I like it...a lot! Especially the inspiring name.
  10. daochunhan
    الإصدار: 1.0
    pretty good,we need a small shopping market in the game,continue your job.maybe you can make a pak with more mod,good luck with that.
  11. brendonwright1989
    الإصدار: 1.0
    Yay! Little things like this make for fun improvements in the city. Love seeing this. Great work can't wait to see whats next :)
  12. Kalrisian
    الإصدار: 1.0
    Looks good. Great work. Nice details. Thank you!! We need more Car sellers in the City. Only Ford Car seller is in the game.