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Landmark Cirka 14 and 15 1.0

Cirka 14 and 15, Original author mikkamakka45

  1. mikkamakka345
    Cirka 14 and Cirka 15 are landmarks that can be found in the "Decorations/Landmark" menu point. They act like skilled residentials, the towers house a wast amount of skilled workers. Cirka 14 is around 1 km high with the antennas, without them it is somewhere 800 m high. Cirka 15 is much smaller, but still quite high. Polycount is only 219, so I created only 1 lod. Here they go:




    Cirka 14


    Cirka 14. Shops at the bottom.


    Cirka 14.


    Cirka 15.


    Cirka 15.


    Cirka 15.


    Cirka 15.
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    User Interface Mod
    Shader Pack
    Steven H. Endermann gefällt das.

Letzte Rezensionen

  1. vivek
    Version: 1.0
    yet another master pice
  2. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Version: 1.0
    You keep using the metric system. Other than that, this building looks cool.