Hello everybody.
- Compatible:
- CitiesXL Platinum
I'm new in the modding community and this is my first mod.
I created some ploppable oldtimer cars. I'm not finished with the mod yet, so it will last a few days or even weeks until i uploaded all vehicles.
I will also improve the textures and some details over time.
Please consider that i'm completely new to the modding subject and this is my first mod, so i'm not able to make mind-blowing high quality mods.
The models are not made by my own, i downloaded them for free from some internet sites. I only made the texture and adjusted it's size for Cities XL. I also changed some details and reduced the amount of polygons to 2000-3000 (yeah, I know, the amount of polygons should be around 2500, but with some models this would be nearly impossible).
Menu location:
Civic Service --> Environment (custom)
A special thanks to everybody who helped me in my thread with some problems in 3ds max.
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- Installation Pre-requiste(s):
- XL User Interface Mod
Shader Pack 2.0

Ploppables Ploppable Oldtimer-Cars 1.3
cars, car, vehicle, vehicles, oldtimer, ploppable
Letzte Aktualisierungen
- Update 3 12. Sep. 2015
- Update 2 12. Sep. 2015
- First Update 11. Sep. 2015