- Compatible:
- CitiesXL Platinum
This mods adds the United States Postal Service related to CXL. It includes two buildings and three vehicles which are reskins (not a real word) of Monty's work. One of the vehicles is from his NYC Taxi mod.
This mod does not replace any of the European Postal mod and can be installed at the same time. Most likely vehicles from both mods will appear in your city though.
Monty has given me permission to upload this mod to X.L. Nation.
Various screen shots.
Here is where you can locate the new buildings.
If it was not for Monty's original work, this mod would not be possible.
If you like this mod, please go to Monty's Postal mod and select Like there. After all, he built it, I just gave it a new coat of paint.
- Installation Pre-requiste(s):
- XL Nation User Interface Mod 1.79.9 or above by Altiris
Shader Pack by Altiris
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Civic United States Postal Service 1.0
USPS Buildings and vehicles.