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Ploppables 56 Smaller Trees XXL 1.1

Smaller realistic sized trees for XXL

  1. Lokentaz
    Version: 1.1
    Thanks for this useful work, skully.
  2. alex l
    alex l
    Version: 1.1
    skullz613, what beauty and realism. Without this, the city is boring look. Thank you for your wonderful work!
  3. cjpavel
    Version: 1.0
    how to remove the trees?
    1. skullz613
      Author's Response
      These trees are like the ones in Lex's Greenary mod so you have to click at the bottom, middle of the tree trunk to select it then hit delete on your keyboard. Might take a few clicks. Monty made a patch to make it easier but I found it would lag and plants would stack up on each other if to close, so I did not add the feature to my plants.
  4. sweden8398
    Version: 1.0
    Great! Tanks a lot! One question: what is that icon (in menu) at the top (funnel-shaped)?? In my xxl there is not.
    1. skullz613
      Author's Response
      That's the filter button. I recently downloaded XXL from scratch so maybe there's a change I don't have or yours is not up to date
  5. Kurtis Edwards
    Kurtis Edwards
    Version: 1.0
    Awesome! Thanks for being so quick about these.
  6. xman90
    Version: 1.0
    It will make my city more beautiful,But I also hope to see more of small plants or flowers on the side of the road, like most of real Chinese cities have done!
    1. skullz613
      Author's Response
      I will be doing a final version of my small plants patch soon. One for XXL and one for XL and older game version. Its basically all the flower plants reduced down in size. Have a look at the Small Plants post in my projects thread for a look at what I did