This is the Cirka 12 building - which is another experiment. It is a huge "furniture" which resembles the Cirka 2 building, but a bit smaller. In fact the base is 800X800 m, the height is around 400 m. It is located in the "Decorations/Furnitures" menu.
The reason why it had to be a "furniture" is that it has a hole inside. In fact a huge sphere of 300 m radius is cut out from the inside. This way you can enter the building and you will find a gigantic roof inside where you can build anything like roads, buildings, ....
Attention! If you are claustrophobic, enter the hole with caution!
There are 4 entrances. Two on the ground and two in the air. So you may also create a bridge "through" the building and passing through the "inside sphere".
Some pictres:
This is the building from the outside. You can see on this picture one of the ground entrance and another one higher cut in the concrete wall.
The building at night. Here also you can observe one of the entrances that is cut inside the concrete wall.
To build the building I do the following:
First make an area totally flat by using the terraforming tools (level the ground). This is important because the base of the building is lowered a bit below the ground to make it dissappear when you enter the hole. If the ground is not completely flat, some parts of the base appears, which is ugly. Then get rid of the vegetation on the flattened area. Picture:
When this is done, select the building from the "Decorations/Furnitures" menu, and plop it on the ground. Immediately after plopping it pause the game so that the upper part of the building doesnot show up. This way you can see the two ground entrances freely to lay down roads through them. The entrances are designed to match the size of a small avenue. Picture:
Then unpause the game and let the upper part appear. Picture:
The two high entrances are a bit more tricky - usually first I try to adjust the height of the bridge, then I go into upper view relatively close to the ground, so I can see the "tunnel" going through the building. This way I can place a bridge into the building.
Some more pictures:
This is the "inner hole". So big that entire cities can be built inside. You can also see the small avnue bridge crossing the hole in the air.
A picture taken from the bridge.
Here the upper entrance can be seen.
Going through the entrance.
This is the hole without buildings inside.
- Installation Pre-requiste(s):
- User Interface Mod
Shader Pack
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Ploppables Cirka 12 1.0
Cirka 12. Original author mikkamakka45