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Maps Dantes Peak 1.0

Nice beach area with a LIVE Volcano in the center

  1. XL Nation Staff
    Migrator's note: PlayTime is the original author of this mod.

    Hey Peeps here im triying to copy funkys tips i also went online on how to do a Volcano in World Machine and i got it right [​IMG] i got as the base of the map Krakatoa and tweaked the volcano untill it was exactly in the center of the smoke part of the land thus creating my own LIVE volcano haha was a pain in the arse but got it right also added in the center a nice magma texture and more texture in the volcanos body a volcanic rock looking texture making it look AWSOME well hope you guys like it i wanted to share this one is one of my best detailed map
    All Resources are at Max
    Pics and Sat
    brighter_lighting_icon.jpg ntasy-art-3D-2048x2560.jpg zw04x7s.jpg zyicet.jpg z11jvixg.jpg vulcano.JPG

    LaPacifica likes this.