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Maps Flat Map 1.0

XXL only - completely flat map with full resources

  1. ronrn
    Game Version:
    • Cities XXL 2015
    Flat Map

    This map works only in Cities XXL(2015) and the Community Mod is required.
    A couple of folks have requested city area maps with no significant water and/or terrain features meaning that any flat map will do.
    I was mistaken by stating that there were some flat maps already in the XLN resources. So, here is a completely flat map with full resources and no features to interfere with any type of city layout.
    vitalik123q, ong999, kipate and 4 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. DarkSteem
    Version: 1.0
    Спасибо очень удобная карта !!
  2. game9
    Version: 1.0
    thank you for your sharing
    1. ronrn
      Author's Response
  3. loren banovic
    loren banovic
    Version: 1.0
    Wow nice work. I used the similar map called flatland, but i didn't like it very much because of the grass texture. This one is perfect :^). P.S , could you please make a version of this map with a river, when you wont be working on any more important projects.
    1. ronrn
      Author's Response
      Thank you, very much. Check out my "Map Paks". They have lots of flat maps with a wide variation of rivers.
  4. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Version: 1.0
    I have the XL version of this map somewhere in my .PAK folder. It's from the old site.
  5. secpol
    Version: 1.0
    I would like to offer you to make) +5
  6. OmniusPrime
    Version: 1.0
    I was hoping to find a flat map with plenty of all resources, this looks like the map I've been looking for. Now to figure out if I can place it on the map on the continent of my choice or if I'm stuck with random selection
    1. ronrn
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the rating.
      XXL assigns a "slot" for each newly loaded mod map as to where XL maps have the assigned "slot" built into the maps files. I'm not sure if this XXL selection process can be manipulated or not.