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Retail Grand Corner Hotel 1.1

Grand Corner Hotel

  1. nicko2u
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL Platinum
    Note: this is a repacked and modified version of my older patch mod found here http://xlnation.city/resources/corner-hotel.230/

    If you are using the older version patch files named "XLN_nicko_hotel01_green_v1.0.patch" and "XLN_nicko_hotel02_red_v1.0.patch" FIRST DELETE the building from your city and then remove the patch files and replace with the new version.

    New version now works in all version of Cities XL. I have also made it an function as a business hotel.

    Menu Location: Commerce > Hotels > Business
    Every small town needs a charming grand old corner hotel.

    I have spent sometime building this model from scratch based on several types of old buildings and design ideas of my own.

    There are two versions of the same building, the only difference are the colors.

    Building Specs.
    T2 Building
    All LODS & necessary texture maps included. 3D Triangle count: L1=3730, L2=2082, L3=1214, L4=99
    Animated characters.


Recent Reviews

  1. slink_v_0000
    Version: 1.1
    Very nice mod. I enjoy watching the little people dance to music only they can hear. Thank you for your hard work.
  2. game9
    Version: 1.1
    Thanks for sharing it! This is very good!
  3. cjpavel
    Version: 1.1
    thanks! nice work
  4. Lokentaz
    Version: 1.1
    Very nice. This should be reassigned to retail. No office here but (pretty cool) hotels
    1. nicko2u
      Author's Response
      thanks I had to place it in office category on xlnation because their is no commerce - hotel category. In Game its located under commerce - hotels - business
  5. Drazicdesign
    Version: 1.1
    great job! Thank you,