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Ploppables Megaliths V1.21noloc

Old stones for celtic landscape

  1. Supersnake
    • CitiesXL 2012
    • CitiesXL Platinum
    Twelve megaliths of two different colors
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    Menu location

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    The upgrades
    To darken the stones, you must use the upgrades as shown in the following example.
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    Positioning options
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    No collision box = infinite combinations
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    Alternative uses
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    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    User Interface Mod by Altiris

Recent Reviews

  1. OmniusPrime
    Version: V1.21noloc
    Works in XXL! Awesome looking big rocks that will make my Titanic display more awesome as it appears to be heading for the rocks on shore.
  2. Drazicdesign
    Version: V1.21noloc
    Ideal for making realistic landscapes!
  3. Tortuga
    Version: V1.21noloc
    Very cool idea with many possibilities!
  4. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Version: V1.21noloc
    Use these with no collision to make an artificial island off the coast of your city.
    1. Supersnake
      Author's Response
      Yes. This is a good alternative use.
  5. Mr.X²
    Version: V1.21noloc
    simple, but a really nice addition
    1. Supersnake
      Author's Response
      Thanks, MrX.