This a special request by todanp, so thank him
The set has 9 houses, three different models with three re-colours each. They have custom furniture. I included an Over Water Placeable version of the buildings.
Notice: You need the tree bug fix so the game shows the correct trees and bushes on the lots. The mod still works without it, but odd scaled and repetitive greenery will populate the lots.
MENU LOCATION>Residences>Unskilled-Qualified Worker-Executives>Low Density>Custom Content activated.
TRIANGLE COUNT: Model 1: 2.215, 1.114, 736, 96 Model 2: 2.133, 1.363, 787, 72 Model 3: 2.349, 1.089, 623, 37
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- Installation Pre-requiste(s):
- XL Nation User Interface Mod by Altiris
Shader Pack by Altiris
Z_Pharmist_TreeBug_Fix_v1.00 by Pharmist
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Residential Mississauga Suburban Homes 1.1
A set of houses from Mississauga s suburbs.