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Residential NYC-Style -07- Century-Building 1.0

The Century Bulding from Pittsburgh for CXXL

  1. Mr.X²
    • XL Nation Furniture Dependency
    • Cities XXL Community MOD
    Game Version:
    Geographical Tag:
    • North America
    Common Era Tag:
    • 1900 to 1950
    Architectural Style Tag:
    • Art Deco
    Finally its here - The Century Building from Pittsburgh:


    updated tags for cxxl

    Building Info:
    The Century Building located in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Cultural District, was built as an office building in 1907 by the Century Land Company. This twelve-story building currently houses a restaurant, two floors of offices and 60 units of mixed income housing. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2008.
    The Century Building was awarded an AIA Pittsburgh Award of Excellence in the category of Historic Preservation in 2010.
    (Source: Wikipedia)

    Technical Info:


    LOD1: 4402 :p
    LOD2: 2094
    LOD3: 867
    LOD4: 98

    Height: 56m
    Width: 20m
    Lenght: 35m

    Width: 20m
    Lenght: 40m

    LOD 1-3: Dif, Bp, Rf, Lm, Ill @ T2-Specs
    LOD 4: Dif, Ill @ T2-Specs

    - Contains Custom Furniture
    - Uses Enhanced Shader by Altiris
    - Over-Water and W2W-Placable
    - Localizations for all major languages
    - Max. 25 Executive-Inhabitants


    see filter tags ;)


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    same building as for "old" cxl, just added filter tags for new ui of cxxl.
    Please do not upload anywhere else.
    klick here for "old"-cxl version: http://xlnation.city/resources/nyc-style-07-century-building.828/
    thanks to "puss in boots" for testing in xxl :)

Recent Reviews

  1. Mauricio Robles
    Mauricio Robles
    Version: 1.0
    I love it. It's fantastic.
  2. SettlersGrandPa
    Version: 1.0
    Thank you for sharing this great mod!
  3. game9
    Version: 1.0
    Thanks for sharing it! This is very good!
  4. OmniusPrime
    Version: 1.0
    Excellent choice, they look great side by side and can look like one building. I love the furniture detail, even having people on the roof enjoying the view. I like the small footprint, four of these fit in the space of two normal medium density buildings.
  5. Anonymous
    Version: 1.0
    OK,well done.well done.
  6. Hawke
    Version: 1.0
    Very detailed and well done!
  7. ode1299
    Version: 1.0
    A must have building in American style cities, thank you.
  8. skullz613
    Version: 1.0
    5 stars as normal :) Are you going to put this on steam?
    1. Mr.X²
      Author's Response
      Yet i dont plan to do this... Y?