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CJ Principality of Fan Felvo

The beach town within the mountains

  1. Wibi
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012

    [ Welcome to my mini series of experimental cities. This city is still in construction and not fully completed as of yet]

    Nestled on the riverside of the Danuve river lies the town of Fan Felvo. Located within Latvian borders, this landlocked principality nation is among the world's smallest and poorest countries due to its rigorous history, most notably 'The Great Disaster of Kapernicky'.


    The Principality of Fan Felvo
    Ruler Prince Elric of Lichtenstein & Fan Felvo
    Seat of Power Kapernicky Palace
    Languages Latvian
    Currency Picis


    Early History
    The village was founded by the blacksmith turned noble, Reigor Mano of Latvian descent in 1217 and the village functioned as a farm settlement. It wasn't until the Black Plague of 1348 that migrants from far and wide fled to Fan Felvo, due to its remoteness, thus far from any threat of contracting the disease. Much of the migrants were thieves who looted the homes of wealthy deceased families. They later founded 'Kingsworth' in 1350, Europe's first organized underground black market.

    Curse of Fan Felvo
    It was after the founding of Kingsworth that the town descended into chaos. Much of its residents called it a curse due to the series of abnormal activities that began to surface after its founding, such as the death of all of the town's mayor within 10 days in office, children hiking up the mountain in the dark of night to commit suicide and the phenomena of people being unable to find their way in/out of the town territory. Prince Hale later established the Great Bridge of Fan Felvo as the major entrance/exit to the town.

    The Great Disaster of Kapernicky
    In 1834, the town was struck with a series of unfortunate events after the royal affair between Prince Kapernicky and his mistress Loubusan, which led to Princess Ila committing suicide by blowing herself along with the Dommer Water dam with explosives. The explosion led to a series chain of events including a landslide destroying much of the city, a major flood and later the population exodus, leaving the town abandoned.

    Modern Fan Felvo
    In 1945, the town was repopulated by survivors of the World War. Much of the town was conserved and became museums or protected places of interests. In 1993, the town became a UNESCO site and a major tourist destination in Eastern Europe due to its history, idle serenity, mountain views and the famous warm water beach despite its cold, mountainous location.


    Mount Poznań


    Remains of the Dommer Dam
    The old abandoned Dommer Dam, now a popular restaurant and nightclub.


    Reinhart Central Town Hall


    Warmouth Beach

    The weather in Fan Felvo is almost always cool between -2°c to 12, however the Warmouth Beach is known for its naturally very warm temperate water. It is the city's highlight and attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors per year.


    Town Skyline


    Cathedral of the Forgotten

    The city's most visible structure homes an underground morgue & cemetery that is home to the city's dead from since its founding in 1299.


    Town Square


    Kapernicky Palace


    Great Bridge of Fan Felvo

    The bridge is the only entrance and exit into the city, no other roads or ferry services exists.




    Thank you for visiting the mountains


Recent Reviews

  1. benhur1967
    Very original and also very... Italian! Bravo!
  2. Anonymous
    So real i love your town!
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      Thank you! :-)
  3. kipate
    Four Stars! For such a small town, you did not show that much patience with building, to be honest! E.g. the beach looks a bit "left outside alone", there are in-game beach buildings that could be used, there is a people mod by DrazicDesign, there could be added some Stones by Supersnake, such little things. Same for e.g. the borders of the town, there could be a "ghost town" or something similar...
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      Thank you for stopping by! Yeah no problem about the four stars, no biggie. I have yet to finish making town (as mentioned in the post), but I don't think I'll complete it anytime soon. I've also been wanting to add the mods with tree & beach props but I can't seem to delete them after plopping them. Such a shame.

      Thanks for the recommendations! Will surely pay more attention to details next time :)
  4. cuco
    Beautiful presentation !
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      Thank you, glad you liked it
  5. TheFosaGames
    It's very, very nice!! I like the combination you've done between combining Romanesque buildings adapted to the mountains. Congratulations, one of the prettiest towns I've seen. It's a kind of Florence nestled in San Marino. :)
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      Oh my yes, so glad it translated well. Had envisioned Florence the whole time I made it. Though actually, it was originally supposed to be a Monaco-esque town with white mid-sized apartment buildings scattered around, but decided to tone it down to a small scaled city for once.

      Thanks for stopping by
  6. Drazicdesign
    A small unique town!
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      Thanks Drazic! Can't wait to plop more of your mods in the near future. Thanks for having a read :)
  7. lindien
    That's wonderful.
    A unique atmosphere.
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      Thanks, glad you liked it :)
  8. Marc Zandecki
    Marc Zandecki
    The vieuw is very realistic. I don't see that often. But the population!?. Only 3000. The city looks more like 10.000. Did you use a population reduction mod ore are the buildings mostli T1? 5 stars. And Mount Poznan? You most be from Poland. A Original name for a mountain.
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      The city itself is 30,000+ population, but for the sake of the made up history I've made it 3,000. My imagination transcends reality haha. Unfortunately, I'm in Australia, but I absolutely love the names of Eastern European destinations, thus named much of the landmarks after it. Poznan notably, named after (you guessed it) this beautiful Polish city.

      Thanks for dropping by, really appreciate it.
    this is just so cool
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      Thanks guy! :)
  10. Monty
    Beautiful and unique city! Excellent job.
    1. Wibi
      Author's Response
      Thanks Monty the Great. Couldn't have done it without your amazing mods, look forward to using more of your great work!