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Offices Samsung City Center Building 1.0

A 108 meter(26 floors) high skyscraper located at Seoul, South Korea.

  1. Pamascus27
    I present to you all my SECOND (at last this mod is finished!) mod, the Samsung City Center building located at the main downtown area of Seoul, South Korea, which took me months of procrastination to make. This is my attempt on trying to duplicating the building into this game.
    The building, which was completed on 1976, is one of the tallest skyscraper of downtown Seoul's emerging skyline at the time and South Korea, too. It is 26 floor or 108 meter (354 feet) high. The building was constructed with 'International' as its architectural style. Well aside from all those details, I just hope you all will enjoy my 2nd mod nevertheless. :D

    The real thing:
    The mod itself:
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    Pictures of this mod by Snick (thanks!):
    UPDATED with new pics, thanks again Snick for your very big help! :D
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    Register or to view Spoiler content!
    Technical info:
    LOD 1: 2,600 triangles (1,034 polys)
    LOD 2: 2,310 triangles (890 polys)
    LOD 3: 1,970 triangles (764 polys)
    LOD 4: 170 triangles (84 polys)
    The maps included are df, rf, bp , ill.

    Menu Location:
    Industrial>>Offices>>T3 Custom Content tab

    I'd like to thank the chat people for their very big support and encouragement, Snick for his fantastic screenshots, Nicko, Funky, KR153, PaulJChris for their precious help and especially Monty for the HUGE amount of help and advice he has given me through all these months making this mod, without you I won't even be able to finish this mod. :)
    Well I guess that is it, the next thing I'll probably be doing is to make a version 2 of my Middle East house mod, which looks pretty crappy compared to what I can do now. :p And after that I'd continue to make more mods to the community, this time I PROMISE it won't take months.

    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    User Interface Mod by Altiris
    Shader Pack
    alex l, ObelicS, Josejr55 and 22 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. ObelicS
    Version: 1.0
    Hope to get more excellent projects from you like this one here !
    keep it up !
  2. Inan
    Version: 1.0
    Nice building! I should check XLEX more often :-)
  3. jkjkqqqqqq
    Version: 1.0
    im here to ask the menu location
  4. veija2
    Version: 1.0
    This is just what my current city needs. Your details are super. Glad that you are modding!
  5. redjkingz
    Version: 1.0
    good looking and high quality detailed! good work friends. keep it up! 5 stars for you.
  6. Helter_Skelter
    Version: 1.0
    That's a great building! Nice details, really well done!
  7. Ernest007
    Version: 1.0
    Awesome thanks!! :)
    1. Pamascus27
      Author's Response
      I'm glad that you enjoy this one, I hope you'll like my future mods, too!
  8. gseid87
    Version: 1.0
    Excellent details, ill test it today!
    1. Pamascus27
      Author's Response
      I hope it will look good in your city without problems, other than that thanks!
  9. skullz613
    Version: 1.0
    Wow, a great mod for your second one!
    1. Pamascus27
      Author's Response
      Thanks Skullz. :)
  10. lguzman2011
    Version: 1.0
    Better late then never. An amazing detail building thanks for completing this mod.
    1. Pamascus27
      Author's Response
      I hope I can complete my next mod at least during this month. But anyways, thanks for the compliment!