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Ploppables Similar Sized Bushes 1.0

Similar Sized Bushes for XL

  1. skullz613
    • CitiesXL 2009
    • CitiesXL 2011
    • CitiesXL 2012
    • CitiesXL Platinum
    Here are the similar sized bushes I made a while ago for XL.
    I did this to create hedgerows on fields. Some may find it useful.

    Get the XXL version here,
    Ploppables - Similar Sized Bushes - XXL

    XL similar screen.jpg

    The icon has a yellow B on the right side of the icon so it's easier to distinguish between the icons of my other mod Smaller and Very Small Bushes.
    I moved them to the standard menu as the custom one is getting a bit full.
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    arhiman1988, Saturn, zhenshen and 3 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Version: 1.0
    This was a great idea. One can waste so much time building custom gardens with these! It's fun.