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  2. Please see the following thread for more information
    XLN's future is looking bad

CJ Toledo


  1. Inan
    A pity you lost this city! Quiet a good start, a bit more variety in layout and buildings can be helpful. Good luck for your new project :-)
  2. Derberos
    jea i wait for more =)
    1. Lukaz
      Author's Response
      I would gladly upload more pictures but i lost the city.. i had to repair my computer which included deleting every program and game.. so.. I will start another city. Wish me luck :)
  3. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Your city is coming along. It looks like you have added a lot of high density building mods, which was smart. Your roads look pretty real, and I am going to use your roads to help model mine. Thank you ahead of time.
    1. Lukaz
      Author's Response
      Thx mate ! :)
  4. Ze_Doc
    too much high rise and repetition, not enough landmarks and custom park..... + a bit too squared, nice start but needs a looooot of mods and work to match your model........
  5. Spock
    it would be great, look forward to it
  6. Artmaster
    Looking good, will be awesome once it's done I bet, and you've written a back story for it ;)

    Also I don't know what your plans are for the water fronts, but if you're not aware, the Esplanade Roads mods would greatly enhance those areas. Cheers