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CJ Westbury

My first CJ of Cities Skylines

  1. Luiz Fernando
    Luiz Fernando
    Did well on Skylines!
  2. Wibi
    Perhaps the best city journal I have ever seen, EVER. Your city is pleasing to my OCD eyes
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      Thank you so much friend :)
  3. Nicolas Jr.
    Nicolas Jr.
    The photos were edited brilliantly, the architectual style of the city gives it an urban feel without it being too crowded. On a more personal note, this makes me think of the Capitol from the Hunger Games.
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      Thank you!! Haahaja I wish, The Capitol is more futuristic :P
  4. Prime SSR
    Prime SSR
    Your city is really amazing... thank you for giving me some new idea to develop my city :)
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      Your welcome! I hope to see your city soon!
      Thanks for your comment!
  5. Big Meany Mean
    Big Meany Mean
    It's awesome, but there are some weird textures. CXXL looks better
    1. streetsofny
    Well,this city is F##KING beautiful!!
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      Thank you XOUSTE! :D
  7. seizheurdumat
    Nice work.

    I realy like the airport and the harbor.
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      Thank you friend!
  8. Nogerivan
    wow...amazing work
    really make me wanna play this game again :D
    anyway, does CS finally have a smaller road like CXL 10m road?
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      I think yes hahaha
      This game has a lot of possibilities, believe me!
      I hope an asian update soon from Paradox :)
      Thanks Nogerivan!
  9. hunkske
    Wow, this is just one of the best C:S journals I've seen! It would be great if you could also post a satellite with all the zones... (office, commercial, etc... ) I find this always one of the most difficult in this game, how to balance them as realistically as possible :-)
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      Yes! Well, all office area is in downtown and Marina Bay, the rest of the city is residential and in some avenues I put commercial stores for make it realistic. Next to the airport, between the harbor and the highway, I put the industrial area :)
      Thanks for your comment!!
  10. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Dang! That is cool! I recommend that you add spoiler tabs, so the journal is easier to navigate, but that is some dang good planning! This is Cities: Skyline, correct? If so, then is it easy to make a sunken highway, or is it as hard to do as on Cities XL/XXL?
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      I dont know how to put spoiler bars! Can you help me? :P
      yes it is Skylines :)
      More or less, it is a little bit different, you need to have a mod for help on that, you can see some tutorials on youtube!
      Thanks for your comment!
  11. omartiz955
    very beautiful, loved the night views
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      Yes, Cities Skylines has the better night views! ;)
  12. Kurtis Edwards
    Kurtis Edwards
    Wow. While I still think the overall game lacks a bit of diversity, your city is just awesome. Very well planned, I say. However, I think you need to add a bit more variation to your hinterlands/suburbs. Great job though.
    1. streetsofny
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
  13. Anonymous
    6666666666 是在下输了!
    1. streetsofny