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Arts & Leisure Rugby field - XXL - XL 1.0


  1. Drazicdesign
    • XL Nation Furniture Dependency
    • Cities XXL Community MOD
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL Platinum
    Works with Cities XXL. and XL

    Dependency "Citie XXL"
    ATTENTION: Please note, for to use this mod, you must first download the latest versions.
    - "Cities XXL Community Mod"

    - Dependency - XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack
    Place the file . patch in your "mods" folder as shown below
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XXL\Paks\mods

    Dependency "Citie XL PLATINIUM" and "Citie XL 2012"

    ATTENTION: Please note, for to use this mod, you must first download the latest versions.

    - Dependency - XL User Interface Mod
    - Dependency - XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack

    Place the file . patch in your "mods" folder as shown below
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XL\Paks

    This mod adds a rugby field.
    Following the request of: @Alabardiere

    Menu Location of this update:
    Commerce>Leisure>Sports Leisure> Custom Menu

    info LOD : 2482, 1395, 594, 108



    S'inscrire or to view Spoiler content!

    Enjoy DD,

Commentaires récents

  1. alex l
    alex l
    Version: 1.0
    Looks great in the city. Thank you very much!
  2. Thomas1
    Version: 1.0
    wow,make up my opening
  3. game9
    Version: 1.0
    Thank you the sharing of wisdom
  4. David Anson
    David Anson
    Version: 1.0
    Amazing, I like your roads,which mod did you used?
    1. Drazicdesign
      Réponse de l'auteur
      It is a personal mod, unpublished
  5. fayeddd
    Version: 1.0
    Nice one Drazic! i am also thinking of creating another sport field, hopefuly it can be great as yours!
  6. Lokentaz
    Version: 1.0
    Essai transformé ! (Good try !)
  7. Monty
    Version: 1.0
    wow, finally rugby in CXL! thanks a lot :D
  8. Alabardiere
    Version: 1.0
    Merci beaucoup Drazic! It's really fantastic, thank you very much! Viva il rugby!
  9. cjpavel
    Version: 1.0
    thanks. nice work
  10. luis diogo
    luis diogo
    Version: 1.0
    Always loved rugby. Nice one Drazic. Very cool.