Works with Cities XXL and XL.
- Requirement(s)::
- XL Nation Furniture Dependency
- Cities XXL Community MOD
- Game Version:
- Cities XL 2012
- Cities XXL 2015
- Cities XL Platinum
Dependency "Citie XXL"
ATTENTION: Please note, for to use this mod, you must first download the latest versions.
- "Cities XXL Community Mod"
- Dependency - XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack
Place the file . patch in your "mods" folder as shown below
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XXL\Paks\mods
Dependency "Citie XL PLATINIUM" and "Citie XL 2012"
ATTENTION: Please note, for to use this mod, you must first download the latest versions.
- Dependency - XL User Interface Mod
- Dépendance - Tags.cfg
- Dependency - XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack
Place the file . patch in your "mods" folder as shown below
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Cities XL\Paks
This mod adds 3 new roads with bus lanes.
For all types of roads:
- Default roads,
- French roads,
- English roads,
- German roads,
- American roads,
Enjoy DD,

Transportation BUS LANES - XXL - XL 1.2
Recent Updates
- XLN_XXL_drazic_BUSLANE_v1.2.patch 19 mrt 2021
- Fix file "f_arrowdrazic_little.sgbin" 15 mrt 2016