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Cyberpunk_pack01 2016-07-29

Cyberpunk pack made with aitortilla convention center

  1. Clemech4

    Clemech4 Ambasidor

    Lid geworden:
    24 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Clemech4 submitted a new resource:

    Cyberpunk_pack01 - Cyberpunk pack made with aitortilla convention center

    Read more about this resource...
  2. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Lid geworden:
    19 okt 2015
    Leuk Bevonden:
    If the buildings don't work why bother? I also don't like seeing the Environment section being junked up with non-environmental stuff. The buildings look great but I prefer function over form.
  3. Clemech4

    Clemech4 Ambasidor

    Lid geworden:
    24 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lol I put the mod in Nocollision menu to avoid "junking up" the environment menu...
    The building aren't functional because i don't want them to be bankrupted, and i personally don't care of the money income or things like that^^ (we have cheats mods xD)
    OmniusPrime vindt dit leuk.
  4. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Lid geworden:
    19 okt 2015
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yes you did hide them out of they way in the Nocollision section so that is good. I don't care about meaningless pretty buildings, I like performance and tax income to afford services. I do understand the concern for them going bankrupt but if they're not office, heavy industry or manufacturing that won't happen. I do hope you'll come up with working versions that generate nice tax income as service buildings don't go bankrupt as they are beautiful.

    It sure would be great if someone came up with a mod that stops buildings from going bankrupt. I don't use cheat buildings unless absolutely necessary, like the Paradigm building that helps service buildings like fire stations provide satisfactory service when the population gets very high.
  5. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Lid geworden:
    19 okt 2015
    Leuk Bevonden:
    I did give it a try but too much work for too little reward. Beautiful buildings, always like aitortilla01's work. Since they are city service buildings they could be given some landmark effect for a reasonable cost and they won't go bankrupt.
  6. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Lid geworden:
    19 okt 2015
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Interesting idea about somehow combining it with power. Hard to beat the Solar Farm mod though for free electricity. Making it somehow help fire service satisfaction would be most awesome, no buildings in XXL for that except a cheat building like the Paradigm building.
  7. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Lid geworden:
    19 okt 2015
    Leuk Bevonden:
    Here's my latest video in which I show off you Cyberpunk_pack. I show each of the modular pieces and how I combined them to make an awesome looking aitortilla01 Convention Center. I did enjoy them being no-collision as I did place some within others to fit in the construction space.

    Clemech4 vindt dit leuk.
  8. Clemech4

    Clemech4 Ambasidor

    Lid geworden:
    24 aug 2014
    Leuk Bevonden:
    I'm happy you find a nice way to use it :) btw your 2 other modular buildings look awesome too
    OmniusPrime vindt dit leuk.

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