This mod allows players to merge buildings reducing their collision boxes by a 7.5 meters value.
- Game Version:
- Cities XXL 2015
- Cities XL Platinum
Why only 7.5? This value seems keep game stable,
values >= 8 freeze game when u select roads from game menu
values >=20 also freeze game selecting many buildings from game menu
Why to download this mod if it already exists other collision box mods with bigger collision reductions?
1) Besides buildings get a reduction in their collision boxes from all sides, continue to snap roads and other buildings.
2) Fundations don't become invisible under no-collision part of the buildings
3) It applies to all buildings in ur game and all modded building u will download and add to citiesxl in future
I decided to create 3 version for this mod (use only one),
because more precision in merging buildings means also a reduction in snapping sensitiveness and some players could be annoyed to dedicate too much attention in finding right snapping points.
So snapping sensitiveness for the 3 Patches will have these values:
0.5 meters
1 meter
2 meters
To create this mod I modified some parameters inside file PLACEMENTRULES.CFG
<GridStep> =0.25
allow u to place building on roads with 0.25 meters precision steps
reduce at 1 meter steps the precision in elevating roads and bridges
allow u to merge buildings until 7.5 meters
<SnapBuildingDistance>0.5 or 1 or 2
define in meters at what distance buildings snap with roads or other buildings (3 Patches for different plopping precision)
I tested this mod only on citiesxl platinum, please report compatibility information if u use it on different citiesxl releases
inside zip:
Delete previous version
Put ONLY ONE of these files in ur game "PAK" folder or some it's subfolder:
...or, ALTERNATIVELLY, if u need to tune parameters at ur special own desire,
don't use none of the patch files but directly put file "placementrules.cfg"
into ur game subfolder "...\data\config"
Note: u can add or delete this mod without having crashing problem with ur existing cities
because it modified the same file: placementrules.cfg

Changes CollisionBoxTolerance 1.1 2015-11-21
All buildings get a 7.5 meters collision box reduction, but still snap and preserve fundations