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    XLN's future is looking kind of grim

Residential Eaton Terrace, London 2016 - 04 -20

A London's beautiful terrace

  1. Big Meany Mean
    • CitiesXL 2011
    • CitiesXL 2012
    Where to find the mod:


    LOD1: 1700 - 2000
    LOD2: 1700 - 2000
    LOD3: 500 - 800
    LOD4: 50 - 40

    Lots size:
    5 x 30 m
    7.5 x 30 m for end terrace models

    Some ingame pictures:





    Delete the old file and install the new one if you have problems with LOD3
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    Shader Pack 2.0
    XL Nation Furniture Dependency Pack 1.6
    XL User Interface Mod 1.79.9

Recent Updates

  1. V2.0

Recent Reviews

  1. skullz613
    Version: 2016 - 04 -20
    Just doing my rating again to mention I have added a link to a fixed version in the discussion thread. No more pink LOD. This mod also works in XXL.
  2. ObelicS
    Version: 2016 - 04 -20
    Is this working with XXL ?
  3. sodsal75
    Version: 2016 - 04 -20
    NOn have been accommodated the three buildings that are colored in purple?
  4. Abandon Ship
    Abandon Ship
    Version: 2016 - 04 -20
    This mod is great- especially when filling in small lots.
  5. Inan
    Version: 2016 - 04 -20
    Oh, a new modder? Great looking building, very good textures and realism! Perfect for our urban suburbs! Thanks!
  6. Pamascus27
    Version: 2016 - 04 -20
    Oh my God! Lovely pack, something I've always wanted for my British cities! Thanks, this will make those cities even more realistic due to your efforts!
  7. Helio Lopes
    Helio Lopes
    Version: 2016 - 04 -20
    works in xxl???
  8. Myname
    Version: 2016 - 04 -20
    A very good English pack ! :D
  9. Lokentaz
    Version: 2016-04-18
    Very nice work. Perfect british style.
  10. skullz613
    Version: 2016-04-18
    Awesome work! You should name your patch file something like this though (only example) XLN_Big_Meany_Eaton_Terrace_1.0.patch
    That way we know who did it and what version it is :)
    1. Big Meany Mean
      Author's Response
      Ok, thanks for the piece of advice