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CJ eupore city:a vertical and level city

europe medium city

  1. SeptianAjie
    The intersection very smooth, if i could build it :( . Good job
    1. needspeed17
      Author's Response
      thank you,you will


    1. needspeed17
      Author's Response
      thank you,i will.
  3. kipate
    Five stars! Not the strongest five stars, but well, it should not bother you :)

    Generally spoken, it looks like an awesome first approach, you have shown a lot of ideas, some poorly, some brilliantly executed.

    Going into detail, I call the following negative points:
    1) you call the journal a European city approach. Regarding it, some buildings look randomly chosen and do actually not fit into the area, for example the mass of condominiums is irritating.
    2) there are some quite unrealistic looking areas, and yes, the airport is definitely one of them. You should maybe look at some real life airports and try to resemble easier ones. But what bugs me more are some of the highway exits. Their curvature is great, but where are they leading? Similarly, the racecourse does have an intersection point?
    3) some of the periphery could have been embellished more, e.g. the fields could use some more auxiliary buildings and stuff.
    4) I do miss some medieval historical part, where is it? How come you built a European city without such? Also, why is it that the highways run through the 19th century part of the town?

    For the positive things to mention:
    1) you do have a brilliant road layout! Looks like a masterplan for both highways and commin streets. The streets with their irregular pattern are impressing me a lot, it is hard to do such and you did an awesome job!
    The highways do come with a high smoothness, one cannot see any white parts showing, that is a good sign!
    2) your terraformation skills are impressive as well, and I do love your creativity! Especially those low lying highway next to the fields and the houses on the plateau do form a nice scenery in my opinion.
    3) your harbour is well done, huge and well done, I want to say. Even more, this holds of course for the golf course!
    4) I do mostly like your choice of putting buildings together. You are not jst randomly mixing everything, but it looks rather like there was a plan behind! Very good!

    I would like to see your upgrades, and maybe some more cities! Keep up the good work!
    1. needspeed17
      Author's Response
      thank you,i will
  4. skullz613
    It's looking good. That no collision mod comes in handy. Might try it myself one day.

    Take out the double sceenshots! Never upload you images until you have them organized.

    Oh yeah... I would not want to land a plane at that airport. To close to the highway and the oil tanks!
    If Kipate see's it he will say the same.
    1. needspeed17
      Author's Response
      thank you.the landing field is a problem really,i tried,but not good,next time it will be better.
  5. ObelicS
    Great city first of all ! :) You really have some builder skill !
    Pros : 1. Great RHM
    2. Street layout is nice, almost realistic.
    3. Nice farms and golf courses.
    4. Harbor

    Cons : 1. If you tried to build german city, lots of houses are french styled so if i were you, at least those on river front should be german ( for picture ).
    2. Some parts seems unfinished ( put grass or some trees / bushes on the mountains.
    3. If you learn how to edit pictures, there would be some AMAZING shots, and game is also much amusing :)

    Keep up the good work !
    1. needspeed17
      Author's Response
      yes,i see,thanks for your advise.
  6. Big Meany Mean
    Big Meany Mean
    The only issue here is the duplicated pictures.
    1. needspeed17
      Author's Response
      sorry,next time i will deal with it.
  7. cruise85
    This is very very cooool.. I try to build city but couldnt make RHM highways which screw up my traffic system.. Always!!

    Nice one Mate!
    1. needspeed17
      Author's Response
      thank you。i have a uncollide mod,it can be make the rhm more slicked,so it look like this