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    XLN's future is looking bad

CJ hoomjin

asian city

  1. d.r.e.y
    bem vindos a hoomjin uma cidade fundada em 1940 ficou famosa belo seu desenvolvimento acelerado no ano de 1990. 50 anos andes de 1990 a metade da população não tinha um estudo de qualidade .o 8º prefeito resolveu investe na educação em 15 anos a cidade se tornou exemplo de educação de qualidade .2005 foi um ano de uma grande mudança foi nesse período que se teve inicio a construção da torre miin jun para simbolizar a gradeza da cidade .essa torre foi finalizada em 2007 e fica no centro biin-ka . biin-ka e o centro financeiro de hoomjin tem a fama de abrigar luxo e riqueza .(biin-ka)na linguagem zahnjin significa (cercado-de) zahnjin escrita e linguagem falada pelos chan-jin . atualmente utilizam como moeda juon-ka que pode ser abreviada para juon . 1000 juon equivale ha 1.00 real na moeda brasileira. eles também são conhecidos pela tradição (banka hoondan diin-jha).(grande festa de amigos)vizinhos se reúnem para comer e beber e e e um dia que qualquer pessoa pode entrar na casa sem ser convidados e provar de sua comida conhecer a família etc e muito comum nesse dia pessoas que passam pela rua tocar sua porta e se sentar a messa. esse feriado acontece a cada 2 anos


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    XOUSTE, Monty and kipate like this.

Recent Updates

  1. revitalização da cidade
  2. hoomjin update
  3. hoomjin

Recent Reviews

  1. Sin City 5
    Sin City 5
    Looks very odd, those small buildings need more variation as they are your city core. The road also no variation try using expressway bridge to make it look more Asian
  2. sadiemydog
    4 out of 5. the skyline is unique but the building style outside the skylines aren't unique at all.
  3. RedZone19
    I think that your CJ deserve some appreciation. As a matter of fact, it is definitely not an easy job to recreate an Asian city, especially for those which were BIG – REAL BIG ones like Hong Kong, Tokyo or Shenzhen. As mentioned above, the repetition of buildings in your city is way too obvious. But then, is possible to avoid it. This can be achieved by carefully placed ‘limitless buildings’. I suggest to take a look into the T1 and T2 mid and high density residents ‘cause they all look kind of gritty and ghetto, which is good for business in this case. By ‘carefully’, I mean to place each building individually, because you can achieve maximum control over the style and density of each district in this way. Although it is extremely time consuming, it’s worthy.

    Next thing is about the transition between districts. I think it’s a bit out of place to put a couple of 1800s Peking restaurants next to those gigantic megacorps in the city centre, and the elevation variance in between CBD and other areas should be altered, too. It feels ‘unnatural’ for now.

    And then there is the traffic, I fail to see a variety of transportation in your city, which is not a usual case for a city of this size. I would suggest to introduce the highway and change the layout of the districts shown – there are way too many intersections.

    Overall I think that you succeed in catching the feeling of a general Asian city, but it is definitely in need of some improvements, and utilization has to be applied in many fields. 3 stars! 
    1. d.r.e.y
      Author's Response
      valeu eu estou ajeitando e mundificando aos poucos e tentando melhorar o máximo possível
  4. Josephlonde
    Boa cidade. Porém, tente escrever com um português adequado caso não saiba inglês, muitas pessoas aqui tem como língua materna o inglês, espanhol ou línguas europeias. Um português bem escrito os ajudaria na tradução pelo Google ou pelo Bing. Sobre a cidade eu recomendaria um aeroporto feito pelo Modular Airport Pack, é muito bom.
  5. Samuel Monteiro
    Samuel Monteiro
    top! gostei muito
    Overview of the whole city looks great,but...
    kipate is right,different buildings in your city would be more real .I come from China and I know that Asian buildings in CXL were not enough to build ,but the same buildings were built in everywhere is not a good idea.
  7. Игорь
    GPS view! I want to see it
  8. ryankoo
    I think you build this city base on the real HongKong, and in overview yes look same same. This is a high density city and look very modern.
    I just give some comment
    1. Why not build some thing on the hill, at least some trees?
    2. No boat on the bay, so sad
    3. Lack of public places.

    I give you 3 stars, because i love trees and there are no tree in your city :)
    1. d.r.e.y
      Author's Response
      eu vou fazer isso vou colocar arvores por todo morro e sim vou melhora a baia e em plantar lugares públicos nos lugares que não tem construções obrigado pelo comentário
  9. kipate
    Fuck it, mate!
    That is one of the worst cities that I have ever seen on XLN!
    Yeah, you can put together a fifteen to twenty skyscrapers to form
    a downtown area, but sorry, that is less difficult than people would
    You cannot seriously think that people do like a city with only
    10 different buildings on 70% percent of the city's area!
    And I am sorry, but there is absolutely nothing interesting about
    this city, maybe only the CBD, and the building compostion was not
    wise at all.
    Look at the best city journals of XLN, then you will see what I mean,
    your city journal is a joke!
    And you are behaving like a pot calling the kettle black!
    1. d.r.e.y
      Author's Response
      valeu se você não gostou e um gosto seu obrigado pelo belo comentário realmente ok
  10. SOUL Productions
    SOUL Productions
    Ya know you have a great attention to detail in your downtown areas and 5 stars on that. Also you have a nice distribution of overall skyscrapers and enjoyable nightlife. However.everything outside of downtown is kinda... Ehhh... needs a little more detailed attention. Once ts all filled in you will definetly have a 5 star journal from me my friend. Keep up the good work. I'll keep an eye out for updates .
    1. d.r.e.y
      Author's Response
      Thank you for your comment and I'll update with frequency yes