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Maps Kauai Island V2 1.0

Same Island but with higher mountains

  1. skullz613
    • CitiesXL 2009
    • CitiesXL 2011
    • CitiesXL 2012
    • CitiesXL Platinum

    • Full Resources

    This is the same Island as version one but with much higher mountains. I also used Funkys method to minimize the rocks on the mountains. I did not change any colors but might do later.
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    ksat1.jpg ksat2.jpg

    Put the .patch into the Pak folder of your Cities Xl

    As normal, delete the trees in the water.
    TIP: Right click the bulldozer thumbnail and move the slider up to increase the bulldozer size

    Installation Pre-requisite:

    Copyright 2015 skullz6.13 This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named skullz6.13
    gbojanic likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Artmaster
    Version: 1.0
    Thanks again for making this map! The rock textures don't bother me as much as there being no smooth sandy beaches...hate to be picky.
    1. skullz613
      Author's Response
      I'm going to see if I can smooth out some areas for beaches. I made this island directly from a DEM file and did not think it could be done. Hopefully I can as it will make it even better :)
  2. moran
    Version: 1.0
    try this
    edit rockslope in mat.xml to reduce rocks.
    1. skullz613
      Author's Response
      Thanks Moran. I never thought about changing anything in the XML file.