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Maps Morbihan 1.0

A dead Gulf of Morbihan

  1. skullz613
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL 2009 - 2011
    • Cities XL Platinum

    • Full Resources
    Base Map used: The Beach

    I had a sat image of morbihan floating around in my requests folder and popped it into world machine for a bit of fun. I dont think it was to scale so I decided to make it a fictional map. I added some erosion and changed the land heights.
    One day I will be doing a proper to scale map of the gulf of morbihan.
    tmp_23577-m2-1379338830.jpg tmp_23577-m3-1232456553.jpg tmp_23577-m4-1810331480.jpg

    tmp_23577-sat11883323505.jpg tmp_23577-sat21924173159.jpg
    Put the .patch into the Pak folder of your Cities XL
    Put the .patch into the mods folder of your Cities XXL

    As normal, delete the trees in the water.
    TIP: Right click the bulldozer thumbnail and move the slider up to increase the bulldozer size.

    Installation Pre-requisite:
    Cities XXL Community Mod

    Copyright 2015 skullz6.13 This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named skullz6.13
    gbojanic, kipate and moran like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Supersnake
    Version: 1.0
    Cool fantasy map. It was my request. Brittany looks like scottish highlands.
    I hope a real Gulf of Morbihan map now ;)
    1. skullz613
      Author's Response
      I will be doing one in the next few weeks :)
  2. gbojanic
    Version: 1.0
    NIce! Reminds me of the Rio map.
  3. kipate
    Version: 1.0
    The islands sometimes look a bit
    too rocky, but nonetheless, I do appreciate
    your map of that fantastic earthen spot!
    1. skullz613
      Author's Response
      Yeah I know its a little rocky but thought it would apeal to some players
  4. Monty
    Version: 1.0
    Very nice map Skullz! Thanks.