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CJ New Hastings

The Countrys' Heart

  1. Kristián Presinszky
    Kristián Presinszky
    Rescpect !!! Love your city
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you! :-)
  2. Luna
    Your parks and green areas are really beautiful. I like the picture from Cargo Airport with the houses and network of roads there. International Airport with it's transition to the city is very impressive.
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you cery much! The airport took a lot of time, really appreciated that you like it and the area around. :-)
  3. Luiz Fernando
    Luiz Fernando
    One of the three best cities in the game!
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thanks! I'm glad you like it that much :-)
  4. Wibi
    I absolutely love this, but as an Australian, feel rather ill towards the placement of the Sydney Opera House.

    Other than that, love that you didn't overload all the attractions and great buildings in one small area like most cities. Like that you spread it out around the whole city.
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Actually the opera house is placed carefully at downtown right at the entrance to that park. i like its position, but of course its a markable and famous monument, its location is a matter of taste in this game. thx nevertheless for the review.
  5. Franco Lucien
    Franco Lucien
    I think you've done a really great job with this city. While many areas such as the airport/industrial area were very exciting, I really feel like the transportation engineering was a bit bizarre, lacking grid structure or commonality. However, this is a matter of taste since your choice did not go totally against realism.

    Also, while your arterial transportation network was very aesthetically enhancing, I can tell that based on their collection/distribution points (entrances/exits) and directional patterns that it might not provide completely effective and equal access. This is a problem that I encounter every now and then during my projects. I've learned to keep as much of the highways grounded as space would provide, and where absolutely necessary, elevate or connect with viaducts. This is important to realism because in real life, elevated highway sections are exponentially more expensive than grounded portions, and therefore are not very cost effective (a factor that contributes to realism). Also grounded highways are very easy (and cheaper) to upgrade to accommodate structural changes in the city's infrastructure as it grows. And to make the roads higher so passengers and have a scenic/skyline view of downtown and other highlight areas, a simple fill would do.

    Lastly, my favorite picture was the airline window shot of the city. You did a great job with the photo-shopping.. I wish I knew I to do that!
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thanks! Yes, there are missing some ramps for reasons of space. It turned out too big and weird for my taste.

      The photoshopped picture you mean has been edited by Artmaster, credits go to him :-)
  6. Samuel Monteiro
    Samuel Monteiro
    Very good!!!!!!
    How to get Beijing national stadium?
    1. Inan
  7. Big Meany Mean
    Big Meany Mean
    Bloody hell, buddy!! How much time did you spend making this?

    Also, proud of ya baby, ain't 'cha?
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thx! Yeah, indeed i needed about 100 hours to create...
  8. Monty
    Somehow I didn't rate this one before. Amazing work!!!
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Oh, thank you Monty :-)
  9. Rodyna
    Huhh! Just "OMG" :)
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      :D Thank you!
  10. chenchuan
    Well done dude!
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
  11. pauliaxz
    I love the way how you build your RHM and railroads. Airport is spectacular! Nicely decorated areas. Awesome work!
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you! And thank you also for your very good mods, especially the european rural housing mod! I really like it!
  12. seizheurdumat
    I really love the harbor. One of the most beautifull city i ever seen.

    How many hours are you spend to built it ?
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much! I honestly don't know how much hours i spent on it so far. The map is flat and huge and still not finished... :-)
  13. RedZone19
    The harbor is very well done, I loved the way you connect the railway into the industrial blocks, the combination makes the area very believable. The flyovers do well in reinforcing the visual richness of the scene. I think this part is the best of New Hastling. (reminds me of San Diego :P)

    The general layout of the city is great too, especially the suburbs. But in comparison I think the city centre lacks some… attractions, it’s bland and a bit boring. And I strongly believe that you can do better with the Community Park, it has potential but is less than remarkable for now. Some furniture maybe?
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you for reviewing New HastINGS :-P

      In General i can say that it is all about the matter of taste i think. The whole city should look like an industrial hub with a financial center. Indeed i have not placed much attractions or blueprints (in the whole city actually) there intentionally. Nonetheless there are that dome building and the stadium as "highlights" close to the CBD. Furthermore i thought the park with the statue, the opera house and the space needle can be some touristic hubs of the city too. That was enough for me, i was afraid of getting an overkill as result, lol.

      I like the location of the park on a peninsula and its basic look actually. But i understand your point. I will take close ups of the park later on, let's see what i can do ;-)
  14. curran
    5stars,it`s amazing!! I like it!! I wanna build a city like it!!
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much!
  15. Miguel
    Regarding to your work as a city builder I don't need to say anything else, except confirm its magnificence. Nur weiter so ;)
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much miguel!
      I appreciate your rating :-)
  16. FussionM
    Amazing as usual Inan! How you and your pc get so far ...its a mistery
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thx! Restarting the game when lagging too much and patience lol :-P
  17. terence_30
    Speechless! Every city you made is so lively, especially the leisure promenade is attractive (I want to play there)!
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you! They should be lively, unfortunately i had to switch off traffic to make the game less laggy... :-)
      Welcome to the promenade :D
  18. Helio Lopes
    Helio Lopes
    really cool love it
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you!
  19. Artmaster
    Phenomenal. Your airport really helps me to understand how to build on better! The whole city overall is just awesome, I noticed your rail connections are separate (due to the game), if you have some pictures you'd like Photoshopped for more realism I'd be glad to do a few that really stand out to you. Build on!
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      Thank you! I'll show more pics of the airport later on. The area right infront of it is still unfinished. As i told Kurtis Edwards, i really don't like that rail intersections. Due to my not existing skills with photo editing i am pleased to read your offer to make some photoshop-creations with my pictures. I would like to accept. Please take out the pictures you would like to edit or just ask me, what kind of images you need for it. Thanks again for reviewing and the nice words! :-)
  20. d.r.e.y
    very realistic. that view really amazing and my city too and giant got a little more than local that you and your city appears to be greater than mine
    1. Inan
      Author's Response
      I didn't get everything of your google translate english :-P
      but thank you anyway of course for the review!