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    XLN's future is looking bad

NEXL Vehicle pack 1.7

This Mod will add School bus, touristic open bus, three new taxi models, ice cream truck, cement mix

  1. NEXL_Team
    This Mod will add School bus, touristic open bus, three new taxi models, ice cream truck, cement mixer and garbage trucks to your roads. and now a new Police Car.
    nexlnewvehicles.png nexlnewvehicles2.png
    ferrari360.jpg nexlcopcar01.jpg randomcar.jpg

    Installation Instructions
    Make sure you have the latest XLNation User Interface Mod installed.

    Download the .Patch file and copy into your games Paks\Mods folder.

    Network Expansion XL Team Members: Altiris, Monty, Mr-Tom, Pharmist​
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    XLNation User Interface Mod by Altiris
    Encobert, LaPacifica, GW93 and 5 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Steven H. Endermann
    Steven H. Endermann
    Version: 1.7
  2. gseid87
    Version: 1.7
    Excellent job
    Works 100%
  3. Pamascus27
    Version: 1.7
    Excellent! More magnificently modeled cars for our roads to be filled with. Very nice work you guys, thanks a lot!