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    XLN's future is looking kind of grim

Buildings XLN_FRANCE Medium Building 1.0

XLN_FRANCE Medium Building_Milgram_V1.0

  1. daochunhan
    • XL Nation Furniture Dependency
    • Cities XXL Community MOD
    Game Version:
    • Cities XL 2012
    • Cities XXL 2015
    • Cities XL Platinum
    Geographical Tag:
    • Western Europe
    Common Era Tag:
    • 2000 to Future
    Architectural Style Tag:
    • Constructivism
    • Modern
    • Postmodernism
    • Sustainable
    hello guys,this is my new small building from paris,france。there are some game pictures and the mod location.
    i thought that it is,nothing else,have fun anyway! TIM截图20190727141152.png TIM截图20190727141306.png 20.png 25.png 20.png


    1. 24.png
    Saturn, Josejr55, Lokentaz and 11 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Inan
    Version: 1.0
    Thank you very much! Looks great, fantastic modern design and very good texture!
    1. daochunhan
      Author's Response
      thank you,it is a paris bulding,i change the texture to run up.
  2. Kalrisian
    Version: 1.0
    Another great lowrise Building. We need more lowrise.
    1. daochunhan
      Author's Response
      thank you,lowrise buildings are less,i considered it!
  3. whj1985
    Version: 1.0
    你的活力 让这个游戏没有死去 希望未来可以看到或许在这世界已经看不见的建筑 例如俄罗斯塔 螺旋塔
    1. daochunhan
      Author's Response
  4. Drazicdesign
    Version: 1.0
    Nickel, for all my cities!
    Thank you
    1. daochunhan
      Author's Response
      thank you,i hope it will useful for you city.
  5. Heyan
    Version: 1.0
    1. daochunhan
      Author's Response
  6. Anonymous
    Version: 1.0
    Nice to see new amazing skyscrapers by you.
    1. daochunhan
      Author's Response
      thank you!!