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Arts & Leisure Zeppelin NT, Goodyear lease v1.00

This is the original Zeppelin NT airship, covered with the Goodyear lease.

  1. XL Nation Staff
    I had this model for a long time in my drawer and one day i decided to finish it. It is a vehicle, with two lods and a 512x512 diffuse map (plus a smaller bump map, thats all).

    Provides jobs for one unskilled, one skilled, one executive and one elite. The cost is a bit high but the costs to maintain a zeppelin are really high too!

    Works as sport leisure and gives +1 special bonus to all citizens and +15% leisure satisfaction.

    Located under sport leisure content. Has no collision box and holding shift button you can rotate it or lift it in the air.
    Installation Pre-requiste(s):
    222X222, arhiman1988 and Encobert like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Basile
    Version: v1.00
    looks great thanks.