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Atelier du Grand Théâtre V01.01

Atelier du Grand Théâtre, Geneva, Switzerland.

  1. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Drazicdesign likes this.
  2. Drazicdesign

    Drazicdesign Ambasidor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Waow, je suis heureux de vous voir ici,
    Votre bâtiments semble très bien réussi!
    Je prendrais le temps de le tester demain!
    Merci pour ce partage!

    Wow, I'm glad to see you here,
    Your buildings seem very successful!
    I would take time to test tomorrow!
    Thank you for sharing!
  3. Kurtis Edwards

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Is there a version without the base? The building looks so awesome but the base is just too big and there's nothing but plaza. A baseless version or one with more detail would be great. Again, the building I love!
  4. Kurtis Edwards

    Aug 30, 2014
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    Where is this building? I cannot find it in Geneva. The title brings up the grand theater in Google, which is not this MOD.
  5. kipate

    kipate Governor

    Aug 23, 2014
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    Nah, Google only reads the word combination Grand Theater of Geneva...
    But I guess this is an auxiliary building that does not even have to be
    next to the Grand Theater, maybe it is has a room for preparations, e.g.
    working in the choreography...
  6. Drazicdesign

    Drazicdesign Ambasidor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Vous avez fait une très belle modélisation,(y)
    Est ce votre 1er mod?
    Puis-je vous demander quel est le nombre polygone pour chaque LOD?

    Je suis curieux,:whistle:
    Votre fichier .layout semble vide, et pourtant tous fonctionne le plug est présent en jeu.
    l'échange entre la route et le bâtiment fonctionne parfaitement....
    Et pourtant votre fichier .layout ne comporte pas de plug, ni de junction, ni de track.....Cela m'intrigue...
    Pouvez-vous m'apportez quelque réponse?

    Pour quelle raison l'avez vous nommé "base"
    Peut-être devriez-vous le nommé comme ceci : b_atelierTheatre_t1_base.layout
    Cela éviterai un doublon avec un autre mod,

    Attached Files:

  7. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Que le monde est petit ! Plaisir partagé que de vous savoir dans les parages.
    Merci pour le compliment très encourageant à propos du bâtiment.
    Effectivement il s’agit de mon 1er mod abouti, car j’en ai fait plusieurs du même bâtiment avant d’être satisfait. Je croyais partir avec un exemple simple. C’était sans compter les cheminées, les corniches, les piliers emmurés. Et encore j’ai abandonné pour l’instant (peut-être dans une prochaine version) les gouttières, la descente d’escalier qui accompagne les cheminées frontales, la poutre métallique extérieure d’une fenêtre latérale pour transporter les grands décors de théâtre, etc.
    A propos du fichier .layout, je n’ai que mon approche empirique à vous donner en explication. Faute d’une documentation expliquant les différents tags, j’ai procédé par élimination en constatant comme vous que, finalement le fichier fonctionne bien à vide. J’en ai conclu que la version XXL 2015 devait pourvoir au « minimum », contrairement aux versions précédentes. Mais je suis évidemment prompt à saisir toute explication sur les « tags » qui manquent afin d’affiner mes prochains mods. Car je compte bien réaliser deux quartiers « dortoirs » de Genève, son palais Wilson, le fameux CERN, son vieux collège « Rousseau », le palais des nations, etc. Et, si l’on veut bien m’expliquer comment intégrer des particules, son … jet d’eau.
    Pourquoi ai-je nommé le fichier .layout « base » ? Parce que, vide, il pouvait servir pour d’autres mods. Mais votre invitation à le renommer est adéquate puisque, ayant compris comment on pouvait « déposer » des objets standard (*), j’y ai rajouté les deux lampadaires éclairant la porte d’entrée.
    Voici encore les statistiques « triangles ». l1: 4128, l2: 2528, l3: 1824, l4: 1688
    Et vous avez la première raison pour laquelle je n’ai pas chargé la « base » : déjà beaucoup de triangles. Et la seconde est que le bâtiment original n’a qu’un parking autour et que je ne sais pas ajouter des voitures qui arrivent et repartent.
    Vous ayant au bout du fil, j’en profite pour vous demander comment se crée une source lumineuse, comment intégrer des particules (fumée), comment on anime (voitures, piétons, etc)…. Demande ne coûte rien, me disait ma vielle grand-mère.
    (*) J’utilise 3ds max 2013 puisque le 2012 n’existe plus. Et donc je n’ai pas les plugins XXL, ce qui complique l’intégration. J’ai du reste pas mal galéré pour intégrer tous les outils pour faire un mod sans 3ds max 2012…. Mais le plaisir n’en est que plus grand.
    Drazicdesign likes this.
  8. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    English version of past email:

    What a small world! Nice to see you around. And thank you for your “compliment” about the building!

    Actually this is my first leading modI But I did so much others of the same building before being satisfied. I thought starting with a simple example . But I didn’t see chimneys, cornices, walled pillars. And I gave up (maybe in a future release ) gutters, stair descent next the front fireplaces , outdoor metal beam fixed to the side window to transport large sets , etc.

    About .layout file, I have only my empirical approach to give you explanation. Without documentation explaining the different tags , I proceeded by elimination and finally the empty layout file worked fine too. I thought the 2015 XXL version provide the "minimum requirement" , unlike previous versions . But I 'm obviously ready to learn about "tags" that are missing for my future mods. Yes, I hope to mod two popular neighborhoods from Geneva , the “Palais Wilson” , the famous CERN , its old “college Rousseau" , the Palace of Nations , etc. And if one wants to explain how to incorporate particle ... of course the word around known “jet de Genève”.

    Why .layout file named "base" ? Because empty the file could be used for other mods. But you are right. Having understood how to drop standard objects (*) , I added the two streetlights illuminating the door. My .layout file is no more empty….

    Here is the "triangles" statistics: l1: 4128, l2: 2528, l3: 1824, l4: 1688

    And the first reason why the base is so poor: already to many triangles. And the second is that the original building has only parking around. And I do not know add cars…

    Speaking to you, let me ask you how to create a light source, how to embed particles ( smoke) , how it animates (cars, pedestrians, etc. ) ... . Asking costs nothing, said my old grandmother

    (* ) I use 3ds max 2013 since 2012 no longer exists. What means no XXL plugins. It was hard to integrate all modding tools without 3ds max 2012 ... . But the pleasure is then greater. Isn’t it?
  9. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Yes, you guess correctly. “Les ateliers du Grand Théâtre” is an auxiliary building in the “avenue Sainte-Clotilde” in Geneva. You will find it with google earth (see my answer to Kurtis).
  10. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    You will find it on google earth “avenue Sainte-Clotilde” Geneva.

    Les Ateliers sur Google Earth.jpg
  11. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Sorry for this base. But as you can see in google earth, there is only a car park around the building. And today there are construction sites….
    And I must confess I don’t know how to do a mod without the base. Despite my age I’m a new be.
    And thank you so much to find this building so awesome.
  12. Kurtis Edwards

    Aug 30, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I see where it's at now. Awesome location, Geneva is a great city.
  13. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Certes Drazicdesign m'avait demandé les statistiques polygones: L1:2003, L2: 1156, L3 816, L4: 758
  14. Drazicdesign

    Drazicdesign Ambasidor

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Je vous suggère de vous documenter dans la section "tutoriel" du site:
    Modding | XLNation - Cities XXL

    Je vous invite également à prendre quelques informations ici:
    Cities XL Modding

    et ici
    Base de connaissances sur le modding - Page 3

    Et pour finir, je vous informe que dans la plupart des mods le LOD 4 est complètement re-modélisé dans 3ds max afin de réduire au maximum le nombre de polygone.
    Votre mod ne doit pas excéder 100 polygones pour un un bâtiment "T1 ou T2"
    Birk LeGlaire likes this.
  15. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Merci beaucoup pour les liens. J'en ai déjà vu qui vont m'intéresser.

    Et pour le nombre de polygones, effectivement j'ai vu en déconstruisant un mod que le LOD4 était complètement remodélisé. Ce que j'ai fait dans le monde que je viens de partager Los Avancheles. Avec pour résultat moins des 100 polygones fatidiques. Par contre j'explose le compteur pour le LOD1....
    Pour le mod qui n'est pas remodélisé, je ferai une mise à jour en corrigeant cet aspect, en autre.
  16. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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  17. secpol

    secpol Governor

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Birk, Make finally in own mods Lighting Map, and better in V-Ray. Still a lot of you have problems but to solve their need consistently.



    These cards not valid name specification.

    Как говорила моя любимая профессорша в университете - "Работайте над собой"
  18. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Birk LeGlaire,
    A beautiful building but at T1 and not eco-friendly it doesn't work for me. What we really need are more eco-friendly Heavy Industry and Manufacturing since there aren't enough in XXL to begin with. That way when they go out of business and are rebuilt they rebuild as eco-friendly and don't require constant maintenance.

    I also talk about how inadequate standard tax income is. I show some very profitable buildings and just how costly things like fire and police satisfaction are to keep at decent levels.

    I love your work and will be showing off your new farms in a new video soon. I have to see how that village one works and how large it needs to be so I know how to set up an area for it.

  19. Birk LeGlaire

    Birk LeGlaire Governor

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Hello OmnuisPrime,

    You know that I prefer adapt my cities to rules, and not rules to my cities. So I will ever try to make modds that respect the bases rules even if they make the game more difficult. But I should write: especially because they make the game difficult. That's the challenge.

    On the other hand I am ready to discuss in great detail the good management to adopt to develop big cities.
    Is it necessary to specialize a city? What plan of district is the good plan to adopt? Which resource is the most profitable to deal? What is the good timing to develop expensive services ? Do we can and/or do we must build every buildings? Are officies there to make money or to support the industry which is making money ?

    Personally I reached cities of several millions inhabitants (see my trophies).And I'm trying at this time to reach 10 millions. I rather met problems of traffic, but never financial problem. And ONLY with mods based of the games basic rules.

    You know, some mods help very much not respecting basis rules. But other contain very big errors that make they produce nothing or cost to much because their production was not adapted to their size. And so on.

    So how could you manage your beautiful city to improve the balanced budget? Because with monney you can buy all services you need! But you can buy only the services you need too !

    OmniusPrime and kipate like this.
  20. OmniusPrime

    OmniusPrime Elite

    Oct 19, 2015
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    Greetings Birk LeGlaire,
    Yes I'd love to discuss money management with you, especially when it comes to making a city of 10 million or more. I reached 11 million in my Paris city and showed it off in my videos. I know you're going to have a major problem with fire satisfaction. It becomes unbelievably costly to maintain somewhat decent fire satisfaction. Once you go over a million in population it starts to become very costly to maintain a 90% level. Over 2 million and you'll see fire satisfaction going down to 75% even maintaining the same level of fire stations. When you reach 10 million don't be surprised to see fire satisfaction dive to 40% or less. Either that or you're paying a fortune for fire stations.

    The biggest problem for maintaining fire satisfaction are there are no booster buildings. What's needed are multiple booster buildings for maintaining fire satisfaction as your city grows to cover a map. The fire satisfaction becomes worse as the city size grows and traffic increases. Even with an excellent traffic system it doesn't help. Hence my calling for booster buildings for fire and police satisfaction so the actual satisfaction level gets boosted as the sum of the buildings is multiplied. Look at Leisure and how easily it is to keep that level at 100% because there are so many booster buildings for it. Same with Education. Health is a little less supported with police needing a few more as well as it is the next most costly satisfaction to maintain after fire.

    I don't specialize cities, that's Sim City strategy. It's much better to build your own resources and utilities with production buildings and the booster buildings. You want to use as many of the limited Omnicorp trade transportation points for trading your stuff to Omnicorp for money. The Omnicorp Trade Welfare program is the only way to balance your budget as building tax income is way too insufficient to the task. Intercity trade between specialized cities doesn't create money since all of your cities will need too much for civic services or cool Blueprint and Landmark ones.

    It's somewhat symbiotic as you want a balanced city producing as much of everything it needs itself to create more positive trade with Omnicorp. I did that with my first 3 cities. One I made sure to do lots of farming with plenty of booster buildings for another city that had none. I no longer bother with the standard game maps. I like ronrn's maps as he gives us all resources all over his maps. For your big city I'd suggest his Flat Map mod, the one I'm currently using for my Flachlandstadt city videos.

    Plus you want to build all types of resources as one feeds the other. Offices need manufacturing which needs heavy industry. Offices also need high tech more directly. This provides more jobs for larger population levels. So balanced cities are the way to go for high employment.

    You have this crazy California American grinning from ear to ear at the prospect that you're playing the game for real trying to build a city of 10 million or more. You're about to see just how frustrating and expensive maintaining fire satisfaction is, with police being about half as bad. At least you can built the LA Courthouse and the Alcatraz Blueprint building to boost police satisfaction. The Police Heliport works nicely around the edges of your city since they are quite noisy.

    Of course there is a problem with the balanced city concept as you build up your heavy industry and manufacturing which create air pollution. Then you get to spend a fortune on Big Parks to maintain air quality. So easy to spend big money, so difficult making money on building tax income. Yes I'm grinning knowing you're going to have major financial problems and that you're finally going to see the light about needing to boost building income beyond the standard.

    There are some very interesting XL mods that do work wonders in XXL. For air and noise pollution you want the Quantum Tech & Carbon Credit Anti-Pollution Plant by Rene under XL Buildings. They're not cheap at around 35,000 C per month to operate but I found 14 of them completely cleared my industrial area of red and yellow levels. That costs me about 476,000 C in my budget but I now see I could get rid of big parks. For money there's nothing like the Kiwi Money Bank Lite by kiwispanker under XL Cheats & Changes. A cool 1 million C per building gives your budget a nice boost. Playing poor is no fun! Much more fun to build cool Blueprint and Landmark buildings to make your city look awesome.

    I love your work, you make your mods so visually stunning. I'm getting ready to show off some of your new farm creations as I grow Flachlandstadt and make new videos. I wish you were making T3 industry buildings that are eco-friendly only, so few of them standard. Check out my Paris videos to see the problems about making a city above 10 million. My current set of Flachlandstadt videos show some very interesting XL mods that help in XXL. I'm looking forward to seeing you put some of your awesome "programming oil" on some buildings to make them fire satisfaction booster buildings that work in a cumulative manner. You should also look at your Jobs satisfaction levels as well as Traffic Satisfaction to see they could use some booster building help too as your population grows into the millions.

    My motto is "Rules are made to be Rewritten". Games should be fun to play or why play? When rules or standards are wrong correct them. Otherwise why mod? o_O
    Birk LeGlaire likes this.

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