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Cities Xl Rail Is A Norail

Discussion in 'XLN Watering Hole' started by Rene, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Rene

    Rene Executive

    Sep 6, 2014
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    From another thread
    Oh Kipate, to ur question why I haven't released a rail mod?

    Here's the answer:

    * NEXL was suppose to release rail in ver1

    * Rail has been an ongoing discussion what to do with it

    * I released a PM-only rail mod which covered basics, well mainly just the station and track, not bridges tunnels..)

    * I have told Altiris last winter I'm planning to release rail beta mod

    * And while rail is pretty much dead (it would act like airports and seaports do) - its not muz fuz the hazzle. And Alt had eye-candy issue with the commuter rail (the tech would of worked anyhow), so..

    * But I think CXL should have a bit of rail... :)
  2. Ole

    Ole Executive

    Aug 20, 2014
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    if it's an answer to Kipate's question, why don't you send it by PM instead of creating new thread? :doh:
  3. Mr.X²

    Mr.X² Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 23, 2014
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    hmm... seems like i dont get the point?
    if you want to say sth to kipate, write a pm...
    uhm... yeah... so what about the beta rail now?^^
  4. Rene

    Rene Executive

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Well we should talk about the rail, after all there is a deprecated rail in the game. So maybe this thread was a starter for the rail talk. Later today I'm gonna let ya all in to the CXL rail mysteries :)
  5. Ole

    Ole Executive

    Aug 20, 2014
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    he has no beta rail, it's just making us think he can mod (except from the text mods)
    Nicolas Jr. and The Funky Monk like this.
  6. Ole

    Ole Executive

    Aug 20, 2014
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    so you shouldn't get excited, and :trolls:
  7. Rene

    Rene Executive

    Sep 6, 2014
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    bleh. I've learned to play CXL without rail unlike in SC3000 and SC4 and SC5. City simulator? Hey where do they not have rail.

    In the winter if I have time I will make some beta mod - but, of course I need to be interested in CXL and now when Skylines is looming is time to squeeze the left out of CXL.

    Of course i need tags and such so... But that's not for now, I'm building my last big city with CXL before skylines, and when I'm running out of space I could zone the land reserved for rail so I would make a rail mod anyway. Why not share, if I feel lucky in here (xln).

    Ok as this post took time I'm gonna post them a bit bit later than I thought, the CXL rail mysteries :)

    I'd like to see some community effort of some-how. We can get the basics or we can get the full system just with minor issues like not being able to set wagon size. Anyhow UIM-NEXL -involvement can be or doesn't have to be used.

    But I know Pharmist has some cool unreleased stuff :D I'm gonna talk with him sooner or later, best thing, even for Altiris - would of been the not sudden non-presence online when needed. Anyhow something happened and he couldn't attend. Wish he'd be back. He might be even inspired by Skylines ;)
  8. The Funky Monk

    The Funky Monk Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Basically what you're saying that you can't mod in 3ds max so you want to get others to do it while you do class files etc.
    Ole likes this.
  9. Ole

    Ole Executive

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Hey Rene,
    -Pharmist isn't among us anymore
    -you can't mod
    -CXL rail mysteries is BS
    -there isn't going to be a train mod made by you
    that's a list of the things I wanted to say, any questions?
  10. IcyHot

    IcyHot Administrator
    Staff Member

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I am moving this thread to the "Watering Hole." That way you guys can continue to spout off at each other. The Watering Hole is the place to flame each other
  11. Rene

    Rene Executive

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Well if I do the beta mod I can make a CJ :p

    Ole you are a liar. This is new surface, a platform, from zero, keep it that way, me too, so the administration doesn't have to interfere.

    We need a rail discussion, I really would not want to be the person to make a rail mod, but i could without fights.

    There are 1-4 layers of mod-ability in the deprecated rail. 1 is that is acts as like airports and seaports and has a railtrack + citylink.

    But 2 and 3 are not so hard to do, the system needs buildings. For example from those placeholders of such as pharmist I can build whatever stations I want. But I might need someone else to export it with the MC/FHI tool, as last time which is like 10 months, and even prior to that, my Max and the tool gave NET framework errors I couldn't produce anything. Was it gjabjoanic who once exported some files to me.

    Ok Skylines is knocking on doors but there's a whole winter (on northern hemisphere) before that title is out.

    Anyhow XLN needs a rail Q&A topic, at least for the future generations... So I'll be posting the community's knowledge about the rail later on rather more cleaner place than this. The focus of that topic is rail, what we, I , and few other people knows about it. I can't imagine someone having anything against that. My goodness I'm shocked.

    c ya
  12. Monty

    Monty Governor

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Are you just going to sit and wait to someone else to do it and then try to take credit for it like you did with the site?

    If you really know how to make a functional rail mod then do it, I'm sure many people will appreciate. But for god's sake, cut the crap.
  13. Ole

    Ole Executive

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Pffff, I am a liar? Proof you got balls by making a real mod before making such a weak statement
  14. snick

    snick Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I'm talking to everyone: if you have nothing but bad things to say, please stop posting. You only make yourself look bad otherwise.

    There is an "Ignore" and a "Report" feature... very nice tools indeed.
    kipate likes this.

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