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Cities Xxl The Only One Question: Multicore??

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Aurunikum, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. Aurunikum

    Aurunikum Vagabond

    Dec 16, 2014
    Likes Received:
    The only one question is:

    Will Cities XXL be able to use multicore and solve the big problem of this game or not?

    If not, i can only say do not buy this!

    At my system all games run fluent, only Cities XL don´t!
    Up to 150.000 people its ok no problems.
    Up to 500.000 people some tricks help, especially reload the city every half an hour.
    Over 500.000 it is not playable...

    Only becourse this game use only one core.

    And no i will not buy a new PC with a 4.5GHz single or dual core prozessor, becourse this is non commercial, actual standarts are quard core with about 3 GHz, and this i have, and there it do not run!!!
    And the newest have 6 to 12 core but not more GHz, on Single, becourse there is a temperature problem with more than 4 GHz it shorts the lifetime and it has higher risk of failure.

    And if Focus can´t fix this, they have to start from beginning!

    If someone gets more Infos about that, it would be nice to post it here, thanx!
  2. Dreian

    Dreian Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    it's been announced in their communication that multicore is supported for XXL
  3. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    Indeed Multicore is new feature as advertised many times.
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Skilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    I can't believe how many ppl are asking this question. Even on the cxl facebook page in the comments. A lot of ppl must have missed the original announcement.
  5. Guillem

    Guillem Skilled Worker

    Dec 8, 2014
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    The problem comes when Cities XXL is sold at full retail price when it's actually even more like the original game than Tropico 4 was to 3.

    Fix the core issue, fix the ugly interface, give us more camera movements and more builing variety and opportunities (fast lane streets with no traffic lights, European-style packed architecture for low, middle and high density, more parks and plazas -round, for instance-, better integration with the landscape, city walls and more antique architecture...). Then it will justify the retail price, if you do charge for it.

    That's at least my opinion.
  6. Pamascus27

    Pamascus27 Mayor

    Aug 21, 2014
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    I agree, its so frustrating to see people acting like this. It's like they only see the pics and ignore what the announcement said.
  7. JMCD

    JMCD Vagabond

    Sep 9, 2014
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    Honestly I'll believe it when I see it. Another game I play (World of Tanks) is bringing multi-core to the game finally. Turns out, what they mean by multi-core is that they will run certain parts of the game on other cores (audio engine, client side physics), but the main process of the game is still single threaded. I highly doubt we will see true multi-core support for this game. The trailer clearly makes it look like the exact same game, supporting multicore isn't a simple bug fix and they would've been better off with an entirely new engine. Also, even if the game somehow does support it properly, it doesn't mean performance is going to be magically better.
  8. Skater27

    Skater27 Executive

    Aug 30, 2014
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    I have a population exceeding 8365000 with no problem.
    Win7 with 8GB memory. This allows it to uses almost 4GB in 32bit mode.
    Good middle graphics card (GTX660) takes care of the graphics.
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Skilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    When they say "a smooth fps no matter the size or complexity" i tend to think the issue is fixed, whether or not it's a true multi core. But if they're liars and it runs like crap, then i won't buy it.
  10. Guillem

    Guillem Skilled Worker

    Dec 8, 2014
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    When they say "we'll sell you a game which is the other game, only now it works the way it should", I expect more stuff than just "eco-friendly buildings". They've got well-packed forums with tons of suggestions, some of which repeat over and over again: working trains, monorail, better highway handling, bridges that can divivde like roads do, etc.

    Sorry to repeat myself, but if Cities XXL costs more than 10€, which it will, then I don't think it's worth it. The multi-core fix should have been offered for free to those that had bought the game, as free download. It's a bug fix! A patch!
  11. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    ^ It's not a bug fix, the game is old, therefore it is an update to how it works. Same as how if you say bought a computer in 2006. Do you expect the merchant to offer you upgrades for free after 6-8 years. erm I don't think so.
  12. Guillem

    Guillem Skilled Worker

    Dec 8, 2014
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    Sorry, but no. I bought the Platinum Version, that had come out on 2013. It's barely a year old. The base game is old, yes, but damn it, they had plenty of time to fix all its numerous issues. The XXL version is the same old game, after all! They haven't fixed much, and now they say "if you want a game that works just fine, hand over some cash!". It feels like buying a car and then being told that it doesn't have brakes. You don't need it for the car to move, but good luck not crashing.

    I pun was really not intended, but it came out nicely.
  13. Aurunikum

    Aurunikum Vagabond

    Dec 16, 2014
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    I have to say i bought Cities XL, Cities XXL and Platinum, (so it was no problem of old version), always at hope that the game will run now without the multicore problem, so i hope your promises will be true, otherwise i think you will get more problems than unfriendly messages...
  14. Aurunikum

    Aurunikum Vagabond

    Dec 16, 2014
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    Yeah, its not the GB memory, 32bit mode or graphic card which makes problems, it is only interesting which core you use, i have the same as you but a quard core with 2.5 GHz, and that kills the game! - The curious is that the game runs better when the game is allowed only to use one of the four CPu´s ... i think the best for the "old" Game version was a dual core with 4GHz or above and run the game on one of those...
  15. nicko2u

    nicko2u Governor

    Aug 22, 2014
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    You have some good points about older/current versions, there was bugger all fixes/updates. Trust me the new XXL has some major bug fixes so will be worth it this time around.
    Thrangar likes this.
  16. Stevo

    Stevo Skilled Worker

    Sep 2, 2014
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    Ah. Said like a true beta tester. That's what I needed to hear.
    Thrangar and nicko2u like this.
  17. marros

    marros Unskilled Worker

    Jan 26, 2015
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    La Verdad me ha Sido imposible jugar Una ciudad completa en Este Juego, y Eso que Tengo un pc, i7, con 16 apg de memoria RAM, 4 apg de vídeo, w8, de 64 bits, ejecuto el juego con Procesador de Alto Rendimiento de nvidia, nada Y Que logro Llega un Tener Una ciudad grande, yo si me Pregunto, alguien habra Logrado Construir Una ciudad de Manera completa.

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